"Oh, your coworkers already paid for it." The girl replies, reaching for a shelf in the back.

Lucy pauses, and you all exchange a look.

"Sorry, but we were at a convention. Was it the husband and wife, or the two brothers?" You say, the fib rolling off your tongue. You had a list of them in your head, ready in a moment. The others took a second, but that was fine. You were in your domain.

The girl takes a second then replies. "The brothers. They asked to make sure you weren't overworking. The one in blue was very adamant on this fact." She almost broke her composure, but kept a semi straight face.

You let you face almost redden, and raise your voice an octave. "Oh. If you see them before we leave, tell them I said thanks."

She raises a brow, but doesn't say anything else. She hands each of us a bottle of water. She then steps out into the aisle, and slides the door shut.

You give her a second to go into the next car, then reach over and pluck the bottles from their hands. You open the window, and promptly toss them out. Finally, you sit down, as if nothing happened.

Lucy blinked, as you seemed to have moved rather quickly. "Um, why did you just toss those out the window?"

You look at her. "I was offended by the label." You say, and the pure ice in your tone gave her pause. You didn't want to snap, but you couldn't just say nothing.

Erza looks at you. "You think it was the two guys? Trying to poison us?"

You nod, then bring up the one in your hand. "Yes. That was why I tossed them out. But if you're thirsty, I have these." You produce a small red box, and open it to reveal it was a cooler. You produce three bottles, ice cold to the touch, though still liquid.

As they were passed out, you ask Wendy a question. "Is it true dragon slayers have a strong sense of smell?"

She nods, then takes a sip. "Why?"

"Well, most toxins aren't perceptible to the normal human nose. But yours isn't normal. I wondered if you could try to identify it."

She shrugs, them takes the item from your hand. As she unscrews the lid, you notice a disturbance at the bottom. A layer of powder, floating, and now breaking up and moving. "How novice are these twits!?" You think, annoyance filing your thoughts.

As she brings it up, you see that she closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she calmly says. "It smells like bitter almonds. Its really strong."

Hearing this you quickly fling it out the window as well. "That might just be Cyanide. If anything is to be said about those guys, there choice of poison is impeccable. Cyanide is the most mainstream chemical, and there is rarely a person to survive it."

The others blanch, but you can see why. "The poor tots probably didn't have many attempted poisonings on there record. With you, it was a monthly occurrence, if not a weekly one. I have a lot of people who wanted me six feet below.

"Shouldn't we have kept those as evidence? They would I've been quiet convincing." You look at Erza, who had a confused look in her eyes.

A blank look appears on your face before you can help it. Her raised eyebrows said it all.

Fairy Tail x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now