Chapter 7: We care about you, more than you can imagine

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|~Y/n's P.O.V~|

"I-is it alright if we look now?" Mark a stuttered, "Yeah" I responded, I sat down and stared at the two giants as they sat down criss cross "How's yer leg?" Jack asked with a worried expression, I chuckled as I looked down, at least I stopped bleeding. "It doesn't hurt that much, only when I tried to move" I tried again to stand up but this time instead of falling I held Mark's index finger trying to keep my balance.

"You should rest a bit" Mark said with sad eyes, I nodded and slowly sat down. "How did you fall anyways?" Jack asked raising a brow. 'Shit' "Well... When I woke up, I tried getting down on my own and I slipped, I wasn't that hight but I wasn't too close to the ground either... And I guess I hurt my leg when I landed" I said as I looked down. "Why didn't you call us!?" Mark raised his voice now his was angry, I flinched. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I let's tears flow down my cheeks and I spoke "I-I'm s-sorry" my voice began breaking, I looked up with tears streaming down my face, I could see Mark and Jack had hurt expressions, especially Mark.

Mark reached his arm out behind me, he wrapped his fingers around my waist and he lifted me off the ground bringing me to eye level,  "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to raise my voice it's just... We don't want you getting hurt, you told us, you would call us if you needed us but you didn't and look what happened" Mark said as he rubbed my back gently. My body was still trembling, remembering Mark's angry expression, I guess Mark noticed.

|~Mark's P.O.V~|

I was so mad at her right now, she told us, she would call us if she needed us but no! She's likes to learn the hard way, when she told us what happened I snapped at her, "Why didn't you call us!?" I screamed at her. She flinched "I-I'm s-sorry" I heard her voice break, when she looked up, she had tears streaming down her cheeks and her body was trembling.

I-I scared her... I-I didn't mean to... I wrapped my fingers around her waist and held up to eye level, "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to raise my voice it's just... We don't want you getting hurt, you told us, you would call us if you needed us but you didn't and look what happened" I told her as I rubbed her back with my index finger, she's was still trembling. I yelled at her... I've never yelled at someone like that before, I did. Because it makes me angry that her safety doesn't concern her, but I have to remember, she's small, my booming voice is loud enough to hurt her ear drums, she sensitive but perhaps I've been a little too over protective...

"I-I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to snap at you its just, does your own safety not concern you?" She didn't answer but she stopped trembling. "Why? Why are you so concerned about me? We hardly met just a couple days ago and you care about me this much? Why?" "Of course we're concerned, we don't want to see you get hurt, we really do care about you, more than you can imagine" Jack said with a warm smile. "Ya know... Not even my parents cared for this much... They did for a short period of time... But then... They just stopped caring about me, they weren't concerned for my health nor my safety, I really didn't mean anything to them... I'm just nothing..." I heard her voice breaking again.

Before I could say anything, Jack scooped Y/n out my hand and held her eye level. "Y/n your not nothing, you may not feel like your a lot but we see you as somebody special and you mean a lot to us"

|~Y/n's P.O.V~|

I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes, I looked up and saw Jack with tears in his eyes. So did Mark, because of me not caring for my own well being can cause pain to those around me, I-i don't like seeing people upset, especially if I'm the reason why. With ought hesitation I jumped off Jack's palm and hugged his nose, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I made you worry about me... And, you two do mean a lot to me as well" I sobbed. I heard him chuckled and he stroked my back with his thumb.

I looked at him and gave him a warm smile, he chuckled as I let go of his nose, I sat on his palm but then from the corner of my eye, I saw Mark sitting on the sofa with tears in his eyes, I looked at Jack with pleading eyes and he nodded, he kneeled down and I jumped on Mark's lap. Mark saw me and he flinched, I raised my arms in the air like a child wanting to be picked up. Mark had a confused expression, he hesitated to pick me up. He wrapped his fingers around my waist and lifted me up to eye level.

"I-I'm so sorry I snapped at you
Y/n, a-and I'm sorry if w-were a bit too overprotective, we're just concerned it's ju-" "Hey, hey it's okay Mark, I forgive you" I cut him off, I jumped off his hand and hugged his nose not wanting to let go. He chuckled and went cross eyed to see me, I giggled and let go. I sat down on his palm and he gave me a heart warming smile.

"Hey, remember the surprise we told you about?" Mark asked with a smirk, I tilted my head sideways but nodded, "Well, your present will be here in an hour, soo... What are we gonna do about..." Jack said pointing at my shirt, that's when I got an idea. "Do you guys have a thread and needle?" I asked with a smile, they looked at me confusedly but nodded.

(1123 words)

Okie I'm done! I'm glad people are liking it! Also one thing my friends have been wondering is why I write over 1000 words!? Well... I just like to write a lot :) it gets a little hard writing 1000 words in each chapter but it's worth it XD

I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter make sure to vote a like and Follow, Thank you my fellow Half breeds...

And as always...
Live Long And Read On!


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