GOT: Clara Seaworth

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Name: Clara Seaworth

House: Seaworth

Gender: Female

Actress: Ruby Rose

Faith: Unsure/Open Minded

Loyalty: None

Family: Davos Seaworth is her father

From: Fleabottom (near King's Landing)

Ethnicity: Westerosi

Story: She leaves with Arya and Gendry and has to cut her hair short like Arya does.

Other/Ideas: Gendry learns early on that she is not a male which she was pretending to be. He figures it out at the same time as Arya. During their journey, Clara and Gendry fall for each other.

Picture(s): -

If you want to use Clara in your story (GOT or not), please ask me. Also, if there is anything you want to change about her once I give you the okay, then go ahead.

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