Game of Thrones Fanfic

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I was going to write a Game of Thrones novel featuring tons of different OCs to cover many of the different storylines. 

I had twelve different characters planned out. I'll make a chapter per character including descriptions, pictures, ideas, etc. These chapters will be titled - GOT:______

For the cover, I had been thinking of having a strip for each character going down horizontally. Each individual strip would feature the character and their house sigil (Ex: Stark direwolf, Lannister lion, etc.)

Just because you don't like something about a character, don't skip over them or be afraid to use them. You will be able to change some things.

Remember: Just because it says "GOT" in front of the title, doesn't mean the character is exclusive to Game of Thrones stories. If you want to adjust a character to fit a different world, that is okay. I just designed this character for the GOT fanfic I was planning. 

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