Clinging to life

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Her get black hair whipped furiously around her neck as she fought the wind. She struggled for breath but couldn't stop now. The cut was so close. It was her only hope now.

She could feel it in the air. The hunters were close behind. "Get to Mercury", she muttered to herself. She's the only person with the blood of her mother. She had heard the stories. She believed them now more then ever. 'Black's die'. The words were etched in her mind.

Ariana stumbled up the steps, grasping for the door. The sun has set. She might already be too late. Once she was in the low rustic building, she frantically slid her hand up and down, searching for the slot of air.

A single gun shot. She was frozen in place. She couldn't give up, she couldn't die now! She promised she'd track down her brother. She promised him she'd get her gift.

The deep raven triangles in her eyes turn hesitantly. They clung to her irises. She clung to her young life. Another shot rang out in her ear. The warmth under her was wet and spreading. The red clinging to the fibres of her no longer jet black hair.

Her cheeks smeared with cold tears. "Goodbye you filthy black", a hunter hissed. The colours and shapes in her eyes faded to nothing.

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