The sword incased in magma

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A/N: Hey guys Flame here! This is an origin story on how I became a super hero! (Not really) This is a project or something similar to one that I am doing with my friend humatrix-X-24. He already has his origin story up so this is mine. Enjoy!

I was walking through the woods near my house one day like I always do on the weekends but something was different today. My name is Stephen by the way.

Stephen Fuoco Age:15 Height: five foot six inches. Other info: Lives with his parents and his 10 year old brother Scott. In high school and in 10th grade. Ok grades, passing in some classes, not passing in others. Very imaginative but daydreams sometimes. Very adventurous, likes to makes jokes and puns. Loves bad puns. Watches TV shows and Animes. No girlfriends. Because of how curious he is he tends to cause messes or get in trouble. He loves to find trouble and trouble loves to find him sometimes. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Last name means fire in Italian. Very energetic but also lazy sometimes.

Even though I always walk pass the cave I never knew what was inside so I entered it. Upon entering I shined the flashlight on my phone and walked through the cave. I then arrived in a room that was lit from a rock in the center of the room so I put my phone away. I checked my watch and saw it was 1:00 pm. "Whoa." I said. On the left wall there images of some kind of glowing armor, a girl with plants, a girl crossed with what appeared to be a pteranodon and a half dragon half boy. The right side had a girl with the ears and tail of a cat, a half man half snake, a running boy generating what looked like electricity and a girl with tornadoes around her. In the middle were two figures the left was an image of someone that was black and orange and the  on the right was some one on fire.  I then heard a voice say "Pull the blade." "What? Who's there? What's going on? What sword?" I asked and then looked in the center of the room and saw a grey sword that looked like it's colors were gone for some reason.(A/N: the picture above but with no color.) "Oh that sword. Well why should I anyway?" I asked. The voice the said "Pull the blade, tis your destiny" "That didn't answer like any of my questions what so ever." I said. "Pull the blade, tis your destiny to become the warrior of flames." "Warrior of flames huh? Well oaky then." I said as grabbed the sword. "3...2....1...GO!" I said as I pulled it out with ease. The sword was 110 cm long. "I've never seen a sword with this design before." I said and the rock it was in stared to glow. "Wazzat?" I asked as it glowed brighter and brighter. Fire and magma then started to spew out surrounding me. "WHATS GOING ON!!!!." I yelled as the magma went into the sword and the fire went in me through my eyes and mouth. The fire didn't hurt but instead felt nice. When it was done I passed out but before I did I saw the sword had regained it color. (A/N: It now looks more like the image above.) I then woke up noticing the sword was gone as well as the pictures on the wall. " Was that all a dream?" I asked out loud. I then looked at my watch and it read 1:39. I was in the cave for nine minutes and I was passed out for half an hour. "I better get going home." I said an left the cave.

When I got home I didn't tell my parents or my younger brother about what happened. "I'm home." I said as I entered the house. "Alright we're in the kitchen. We're very busy with diner." I heard my mom say. "Ok call me down when it's diner time." I said as I went upstairs. "Hey Stephen." I heard a familiar voice say. "Hey Scott what's up buddy?" I asked.

Scott Fuoco Age: 10 height: 50.4" Other Information: Scott is Stephen's younger brother and he acts a bit like Stephen when he was 10. Scott's a bit more calm though. He loves to draw and hang out with Stephen. While Stephen is half lazy half active Scott is more active and sometimes tries to get Stephen to do stuff even though Stephen is to tired. Scott looks up to Stephen because one day Scott was being picked on by some middle scholars but Stephen who was a grade older than the two showed up. This was also at a Halloween party and Stephen had a very real looking sword. He scared the two fifth graders away. Scott now is in fifth grade as well. Scott adores super hero's. Scott is one of the few people the tolerate Stephen's bad puns. Scott has blue eyes and dark brown hair.

"Did you do anything interesting today?" Scott asked. I thought back to every thing that had just happed. "Nah nothing that interesting. I'm going to lay down." I said.

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