Chapter 20: LUCAS

Start from the beginning

"Milo," I called behind me, and he glanced up from the prep work he was doing for tomorrow. "Want me to take the rubbish out?" He looked at me quizzically before I laughed, turning my attention to Payton. "Let's go."

"You're such an asshole," she muttered but laid her stick on the table and followed me out the front door of the building into the muggy night air.

"And you still owe me money."

She rolled her eyes as she slipped off her heels, carrying them in her hand as she walked across the asphalt on her toes.

"Noah left you," She said with a laugh. "How you going to get home?"

"Home is across the pond."

Her eyes had cut to me before I flung my arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer and using her to keep myself steady.

Her eyes had cut to me before I flung my arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer and using her to keep myself steady

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"You're wasted. Give me your cell. I'll see if Beef will come get your sorry ass. You can't stay with me and have whiskey dick."

Pulling my mobile from my pocket, I slapped it in the palm of her hand. "Bollocks. Just because you don't turn me on doesn't mean I have whiskey dick," I shot back. "What are you doing?"

Payton held up the phone with the camera on as she puckered her lips. "Snapping a pic of us so tomorrow when you forget how you got home there is proof I did something nice for you. Maybe you will stop being such an asshole."

"A girl can dream, I guess," I slurred with a laugh before stumbling.

"Sit." Her feet stopped moving, and she ducked out from under my arm. I stumbled over to the curb of the sidewalk that ran along the car park and sank down, hanging my head as the world around me kept spinning.

"He says he is on his way." Her fingers continued to tap rapidly against the screen as I groaned.

"Brilliant. Are you going to wait with me?" I looked up at her blurry image. She sighed, shaking her head.

"You look really pathetic right now." She sank down next to me on the curb, shoes in hand as she laid her head on my shoulder and we waited for Beef to show up. "Who is this?"

I glanced down at the phone, closing an eye to help the image come into focus. "That's Amelia." I smiled as I looked over her face framed by wild blue hair that was always changing color.

" I smiled as I looked over her face framed by wild blue hair that was always changing color

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