“Wow, being a girl who races must suck.” Tanner chuckled.

    “It doesn’t make it easy. That should do it.” I closed the hood. I turned to look at Tanner. I was so close to him, my heart raced.

    “Well I’d be honored for you to help work on my car anytime. And I mean that literally.” he smiled.

    “Shut up.” I pushed him playfully.

    “Unless you wanted to do something else.” he wiggly his eyebrows.

    “Whatever. You’re so full of it.” I giggled.

    “So what are you doing for the rest of the night?” Tanner asked.

    “Oh I dunno. Andy is taking Sicily out for a date night. So I guess I‘m just going to sit at home bored.” I shrugged.

    “Why don’t you come grab dinner with me then?” Tanner offered.

    “Alright, sure.” I smiled.

    I followed Tanner back to his car. He opened the door to his BMW for me to get in. I thanked him and slid into the passenger seat. He drove into town and stopped at a nice looking restaurant. I felt a little self conscious, I was only shorts an a tank top. He opened the door again to help me out of the car. He was a gentleman. I trailed behind him into the restaurant he requested a table for two and the hostess lead us to a table in the back. We sat down at the table. The restaurant was chilly causing me to shiver.

    “Oh here take my jacket.” Tanner quickly unzipped his rockstar hoodie and handed it to me.

    “Thank you.” I smiled and slid it on with some trouble with my still injured arm.

    I looked over the menu and finally decided on a steak. The waitress took our drink orders I stuck with a water while Tanner ordered a beer. It felt weird being out with Tanner. All I could think of was that people would see us and think we were on a date. I knew I wasn’t good enough for Tanner or what he wanted and I didn’t want people to judge him.

    “So what got you started racing?” he finished off his beer and the waitress sat another one on the table.

    “Well of course you know Andy is way older than me. So he would always race, watch racing, read about it. He lived and breathed it and I grew up around that. When he was sixteen he got a 350 Z and we was always working on it. I would always go out and watch him and then get in trouble. Girls aren’t supposed to be in the garage you know?” I laughed “Anyway as soon as I could drive I would sneak out and race, since I couldn’t do it publicly like my brother could. I guess that’s why I street race. Because my parents would have flipped if I had done what my brother had done and started competing. Even though that’s what I really wanted.”

    “Wow that’s crazy, that they wouldn’t support you.” He took a bit of the food that the waitress had just brought.

    “Not really. Like I was saying the other day. They kind of hate me. I’m not the perfect sweet lady like girl they wanted so they disowned me.” I shrugged.

    “Well that sucks. I’m glad you’re here and you’re racing now. All that talent needs to be seen.” Tanner said. He made me feel special for once. Like what I did matters, as important and good enough. Something I had never been for my parents.

    “Thanks.” I blushed.

    We continued to eat and talk about racing. Tanner managed to consume quite a few more beers and I could tell he was a bit tipsy now. He would not let me pay for me food which made me feel uncomfortable. We walked out to his car.

    “Keys.” I stuck my hand out.

    “What?” He looked confused.

    “You’re buzzed. I’m not letting you drive.” I said sternly.

    “Right,” he didn’t argue “I need to go back to my hotel though.”

    “Well I will drop you off then drive your car back to my brothers. Then I can pick you up in the morning.” I said.

    “Okay.” he got into the passenger seat.

    I drove him back to the hotel he was staying in while he was in Vegas. He got out of the passenger seat and stumbled a bit. I sighed and decided to help him to his room. I placed his arm around my good shoulder to help him balance and we made our way to his room. Once we were there he struggled trying to slide the card and open the door. Finally I took the card and slide it for him. The light flashed green accepting the swipe, I pushed the door open. I helped him into the room. I tried to help him into bed but he slide his arm around my waist and held on.

    “Don’t go.” He whined.

    “Tanner I have to.” I said firmly.

    “No.” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

    “Don’t give me that face. I don’t need to stay here. Do you know how that would look?” I frowned trying to break from his grip. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

    “I don’t care. I want you.” He said close to my ear, his voice husky. It sent chills down my spine. He barely touched his lips to my neck. Which motivated me even more to break his grip. I pulled away hard.

    “No sir! You are drunk. And we are not doing this right now. This is the beer talking.” I broke free.

    “Look go to bed get some sleep. I am going home.” I turned quickly and left the room.

    As I got into his car and began to drive towards my brothers house my brain finally went back to what had just happened. Tanner had come onto me. He was drunk of course. His words still replayed over and over in my head ‘I want you’. He didn’t mean it though I kept telling myself. I realized I was still wearing his jacket. I inhaled deeply, it smelled of him. It smelled amazing.

    When I got back to the house I went straight to my room and to bed. I didn’t need to put anymore thought into tonight. I can’t make more of this than it was. He drank too much and made a mistake. It wouldn’t happen again. He isn’t interested in my after all.

Drifting Away (Tanner Foust)Where stories live. Discover now