"I got something for you too." I smile. 

"You didn't have to." He says. I pull out a Xbox gift card out of my purse. 

"Thank you so much!!!!" He yells hugging me tightly. 

"You're welcome." I say. 

"So. What do you want to do?" He asks. 

"I would say gymnastics but I'm in a skirt so that ain't happening." I smile. He laughs. 

"We could walk through the Pleasure Garden." He says with a smile. 

"I'd love that." I smile. He grabs my hand and we walk to the garden. It wasn't far from the park. When we get there my phone buzzes. 

"I'm sorry I have to take this." I say. 

"Okay." He smiles. 

"Hello?" I ask. 

"YOU TOOK MY XBOX GIFT CARD??!!??!" An angry Caleb yells. 

"I'll buy you another one." I smile.


I could hear Caleb scream through the phone. I laugh. She comes back with a smile, her award-winning smile. I really like her. Everyone does. She's a lovable person.

"So. Where were we?" She asks. 

"We were walking through this garden and I was thinking about how beautiful you are." I say. She blushes. 

"You think I'm beautiful?" She asks. 

"Yeah." I say stopping her. She looks at me. 

"What?" She asks. 

"You're just so beautiful I wanted to admire you. and ask you something." I say. 

"What?" She asks. 

"Beat me to the park and I'll tell you." I say. 

"Oh your on." she says running. 

"HEY!!" I say running after her. She beats me to the park. 

"Okay fine, you win. So I have a couple places I wanted to go for a scavenger hunt for you. You want to do it?"I ask. 

"Sure. Where's my first destination?" She asks. 

"Here. Look around the park there are 3 emoji pillows hidden around the park with secret messages on them." I smile. She walks around the park looking.

I look around the park and see an emoji pillow I walk to it and pick it up. On the tag there was a note. 

"You're smile lights up my world - Jake" I read aloud. I walk around some more and find the money face with the money tongue. 

"You're worth a million dollars - Jake." I continue looking until I find the last one. It was the heart eyes. 

"When I'm around my eyes turn to hearts -Jake." I walk back over to him and hug him. He had a backpack on his back. 

"Here we have a lot more places to go so you can put everything in here." He says opening it. I put the pillows in it and hug him again. 

"That was really sweet." I say he wraps his arm around my waist and we walk to another place. 

"Place 2 out of 3 is Starbucks." He says. Starbucks is like my favorite place. When we get there he orders and I sit down. When he comes back he puts my drink a napkin and something else under the napkin in front of me. I turn the napkin over and it says 

"I like you a latte." Under it was a gift card. I hug him again. We head out. 

"Place 3 out of 3 is my house." He says. When we get to his house he goes inside and comes out with a phone case. It was a picture of Minnie kissing the edge of the case. 

"Will you be the Minnie to my Mickey?" He asks holding a case with Mickey doing the same thing. 

"Are you asking me out?" I ask trying not to blush. 

"Yes." He says trying not to smile. 

"Let me think about it." i joke. "Okay. I respect that take all the time you need." He says. I smile. 

"Yes." I say. 

"Yes you'l be my girlfriend or yes something else?" He asks. 

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend." I smile. He picks me up and spins me. 

"You actually said yes!!" He squeals.

" Why wouldn't I've. I've had a huge crush on you since 3rd grade." I smile. 

"No way I've had a crush on you since the time you kissed me under the basketball hoop." He says. 

"That was in 2nd grade." I say. 

"Yeah." He blushes. 

"What we going to do next?" I ask. 

"We could walk slowly back to your house since it's almost 3." He says. 

"Okay." I smile. When we get to my house I say goodbye and then we hug. Then He kisses me. I scream inside. 

"Bye C." He says walking away. 

"Bye J." Say walking into the house. I run up to my room and shut the door. I slowly slide down the door with a smile. 

"HE KISSED YOU?!?!?!" Caleb yells. 

"Yes and shut up!" I say. 

"He told me what was going to be going down between you two. So are you the Minnie to his Mickey?" He asks. I show him my phone case and smile. 

"After 4 and 5 years of crushing you guys finally get together." he says. "How cute." He smiles. Life is good Life is great. I love life.

Being Caleb's Twin Sister {Editing}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon