Logic #179: A Very Smart Kid

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To all the people reading this, please don't get offensive for this logic! I did my best to not make it very abusive or lit af so don't mad at me for doing this! Thank you and enjoy the logic! :D


Logic #179:

There is a man behind the booth using his phone. The poster on the booth says "Drinks for sale". Suddenly, a kid walked up to the front of the booth and asked, "Could I buy some please?"

The man stopped using his phone and looked at the kid, "Sure, what do you want?"

Kid: Candy.

Man: Nothing here.

Kid: Food.

Man: Nope.

Kid: A bag of chips.

Then the man got mad, "Kid, are you dumb? Look at the sign, it says 'Drinks for sale'!"

But the kid got angry too, "Hey! You're even more dumber than me!" Then he said something that made the man realized that he was even more dumber than the kid.

What did the kid say?


If you analyze the logic, you'll figure out what made the man realize that he was even more stupid than the kid :)

Clue: Answer is already there, you just need to remember what you are selling xD

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