"Hmm," She hummed when she looked at the necklace in her hand. It was most definitely the catch of the day. The necklace was made of real gold, that was for sure. But what caught her eye was the giant sapphire in the middle of it. "Well, aren't you a looker?"

"Nice thing you got there, dearie."

The voice startled Naomi which caused her to almost drop the necklace but she was able to catch it with the other hand before it dropped to the ground, she placed it back on the table and unsheathed her sword from its holder and immediately pointed it towards the creature in front of her.

"I know you," She said and looked at the man with a glare. "You're him, aren't you? The Dark One?"

"Oh, Indeed I am." Rumplestiltskin said and did his infamous hand thingy before he slowly started walking closer to the teenage looking girl, she was no older than seventeen. "And I know who you are, Naomi J-"

Rumple didn't get very far because the girl had him against the wall in seconds. Her sword was pressed against his neck, and he chuckled when he saw that she was already cutting the skin open as he saw a few drops of blood flowing from his neck.

"Do not say that name," She practically growled and pressed the sword against his neck, "That is not my name. That is simply the name of a traitorous bastard."

Rumple would've laughed if he could, she really had no limits. Perfect.

Naomi released the grip on his neck and pushed him against the wall before taking a step back, sheathing her sword again and looked at him before saying, "My name's Naomi. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Very well, then." He said with a devious smile before healing his throat, wincing a bit from the pain which causes Naomi to smirk. Rumple however, frowned a bit when he noticed that the wound took a lot longer to heal. "But you need not to worry, I am simply here to offer you a deal."

"Thanks, but no thanks." She said, her attention away from Rumple and back on the necklace.

"And what would you say if I had information about your father?"

This time, Naomi did drop the necklace.

Luckily, it was on the table so it didn't break into pieces. Her head snapped towards Rumple who was smirking like there was no tomorrow, he knew that that was a sensitive topic for her. And he wanted something from her, she just needed one little push and she'd make the deal with him.

She walked over to him and big steps and stopped when she was right in front of him, saying, "What do you know about my father?"

"Well, I know that he's in town for starters." Rumple said and chuckled evilly. Naomi unsheathed her sword, again. "Now, now, dearie. Put the sword away, no need for violence."

"Tell me more," She said with a determined glint in her eyes, he smirked. He had her where he wanted to have her.

"It doesn't work that way, dearie." He said and looked down at the sword, seeing his own reflection in it. "But, I am willing to offer you a deal. I'll tell you the current location of your father, if-" He continued and looked at the sword once more. "You give me that sword."

"Not going to happen," Naomi said immediately. The sword was the only thing she had from her father, and no matter how much she hated the man. He was still her father. "You're not getting it."

Rumple smirked, he already expected this reaction. He had two ways of dealing with it, threatening or convincing. He wasn't that good at convincing so he started out with threatening.

But then he was confronted with his next problem, how do you threaten someone who has lost all?

His eyes fell on her newly collected treasures and magically teleported himself in front of them, his eyes widening when he saw Naomi teleporting herself as well. He wanted to punch himself when he remembered.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now