one || adeline

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“Oh, I must say I’m quite excited about my grandson’s visit tomorrow. I think you’ll get along just fine with him, Cora.”

The younger girl in the room directed a kind smile to the elderly lady she was tending to. Her fingers promptly closed the small bottle of tablets, before they were placed next to an empty mug on the dark mahogany bedside table.

“I hope so; he sounds like a rather nice person. Now, seeing as you have a big day tomorrow, you need to get your sleep, Adeline. Remember – you can always call me if you need anything, okay?”

Cora’s eyes flitted across Adeline’s practically glowing face, permanent wrinkles appearing at the sides of her forest green eyes. Adeline’s soft, grey hair was pulled back in a neat bun at the nape of her neck, while a plump lipped smile was displayed on her heart shaped face. While she gently tugged the thick blanket higher up Adeline’s front and fluffed up the pillows just the way Adeline liked them, Cora thought that it was absolutely wonderful that someone was finally visiting her, after two long years of living in Cander’s Old Age Home.

Cora straightened her white blouse and brushed the crinkles out of her burgundy skirt before walking across the small room and tugging the heavy printed curtains together, blocking any light from outside. When she was standing at the doorway, Cora turned back to the now bundled up lady who’s eyelids were already drooping. Before switching off the light, Cora allowed a miniscule smile to grace her lips.

“Goodnight, Adeline. Sweet dreams.”


The next morning, Cora was hurriedly tying her chestnut brown waves into a ponytail whilst speed walking down the main hall of Cander’s Old Age Home. Her alarm clock had somehow broken throughout the night, causing her to wake up later than usual. Passersby either shot her peculiar glances or sympathetic looks. By now everyone was probably having breakfast in the central hall, leaving her to tidy and arrange her assigned patients’ rooms. The other workers would have finished tidying their rooms by now.

After quietly closing the door of room 271, she had one more room left, before she could have breakfast. Coincidentally, her last assigned was room 273; Adeline’s room. But when she was a few feet away, Cora made out a tall figure leaning against the off white wall across room 273. As she advanced closer, she saw that it was a male figure, whose hands were buried deep into the pockets of his dark jeans. His long legs were comfortably crossed over one another, and Cora could vaguely hear him humming a slow song. When she stopped only a mere meter away from the stranger and he still didn’t look up, Cora cleared her throat.

“Excuse me, but what are you doing here?”

Finally, he looked up, allowing Cora to have a clear view of his face. Although there was low lighting in the hall, distinct, green eyes shone brightly as a slow smile spread across his face. She watched as he reached upwards and ran a large hand through his chocolate colored curls, before offering the same hand out to her.

“Hi, I’m Harry.”


Sooooo, that was chapter one guys. I apologize greatly as this was one very short and boring chapter, and knowing that some of you readers have waited for a really long time, i doubt i've written enough to make up for it - but i do promise you that this story will definitely get better, as i've already firgured out the plot of city lights.

Hopefully i won't lose many readers, and i will be highly grateful if anyone even bothers to vote/comment.

thank you lovelies xx

city lights || harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now