two || introductions

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Cora was quiet for a moment, taking in the stranger’s appearance. His long legs were clad in black skinny jeans, while his broad shoulders were covered in a baggy, faded blue jumper with the sleeves rolled up to just underneath his elbows. His curly hair was messily pushed back from his face, somehow accentuating his sparkling forest green eyes. Cora’s light brown eyes drifted down to his plump, pink lips that were currently stretched into a 100 watt smile, causing dimples to crater into his cheeks.

Cora watched as his lips then opened and he started speaking in an uncertain tone.

“I’m pretty sure my gran said this is her room number, but it doesn’t seem like she’s in there – I’ve tried knocking a few times actually.”

And that was when Cora realized just who this boy was – Adeline’s precious grandson.

 As all the good and great things Adeline had stated about her grandson in the past few weeks flitted through Cora’s mind, she couldn’t stop an overly large grin stretch across her face. Without wasting another second, Cora took another step forward and stuck her hand out, offering it to Harry.

“I’m Cora – I work here – it’s nice to finally meet you in the flesh.”

The curly haired boy seemed a little taken aback at first, but quickly regained himself and left his leaning position on the wall to stand face-to-face with Cora. He took her hand in his comparatively larger one and gave it a gentle squeeze before shaking. Cora couldn’t help but feel the warmth that encompassed her hand as Harry held it, before it left just as quickly as it came.

“So, what’s with the whole ‘nice to meet you in flesh’ thing? Am I famous around here or something?”

As the half sarcastic question left his lips, Harry laughed quietly. Cora allowed a short chuckle to escape her cherry tinted lips before shaking her head.

“No, no – it’s just that – I seem to be spending rather a lot of time with Adeline resulting in quite a lot of conversations… with you being the main subject most of the time, but I’m slightly baffled as to why I didn’t know your name until just now.”

Cora felt that she was talking to Harry’s chest rather than his face, as she was fairly shorter than the tall boy. Going completely off track, Cora sucked in her bottom lip before locking eyes with Harry.

“Say… Just how tall are you?”

Harry only blinked at the sudden change of subject, before he letting out a throaty laugh (and Cora decided she quite liked his laugh) – and re-buried his left hand into the pocket of his jeans.

“I’m 5’11. Some people also call me ‘giant’.”

Cora was just about to laugh – yet again – when a loud sound echoed through the empty hallway, like large doors opening. Like the large doors of the central hall opening. That meant breakfast had ended and people would be arriving at their rooms any minute. And Cora still hadn’t cleaned Adeline’s room. Huffing out a breath, Cora quickly sifted through the many keys hanging around the chain on her neck, until she found the one labeled ‘273’. Harry watched as she inserted the key before twisting the doorknob, and finally pushed the white door open.

Cora turned around and noticed Harry standing at the entrance of the room with an unsure look in his eyes, awkwardly cracking his slender fingers. Cora nearly snorted in amusement but stopped herself just in time and instead called out to Harry. “Why are you standing there for? Come in! It is your grandmother’s room after all.”

And finally, the curly haired, green eyed boy took his first step into the room, a smile tugging at his lips as he looked around. When his eyes finally met Cora’s from across the room, she had a thoughtful look on her face.

“Well… since you are in here, why don’t you help me tidy Adeline’s room so by the time she gets here, we’ll be finished?”

Now, Harry wasn’t someone who had a neat and tidy room – let alone an apartment room that was free of clutter. It was true and quite obvious to anyone who entered his apartment – he just wasn’t a tidy boy. But he knew it’d be rude to turn down the offer, and he figured it wouldn’t be that bad with Cora as company.

So with a curt nod and an almost painfully genuine smile, Harry agreed to tidy up his grandmother’s room.


So, that's the second chapter up - it's a bit of an eventless one, but trust me, it'll definetly get better

What do you think of Harry's or Cora's character so far?

Thank you for the amazing feedback in the last chapter guys, it really made me happy to see that you enjoyed it :) x

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