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Hi! Welcome to the one-shot book, sequel to "Payne-Malik Adventures". I'm very excited to start this, and I already have a few ideas, but I want to hear yours first.

So, I would really like you to give me ideas for this book. I just need you to tell me what age you want the boys to be (just tell me one, I'll figure out the other two), and what you want to happen. I want to know how you guys want them to grow up like, and I want to start writing these as soon as possible.

So, comment your prompts! Or message me, if you prefer. Whatever you want. But keep in mind that they have to fit the original story! So, the age difference has to be the same. And I beg you, let's keep it cute... I love drama, but not like suicide, cancer or kidnapping! And also... I don't really write spanking scenes. I'm trying to keep this as realistic as possible, and I don't see Zayn and Liam doing that at all. Sorry!

I'll finish the other book in January, and I'll start this right away.

Thank you so much for reading and following the boys' adventures!

Emma xxx

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