Chapter 2: Concert

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: All of my readers!!

Jenna's P.O.V

(3 days later)

I was hurriedly drying my hair, so I can curl it for the concert. Am was in the middle of curling her hair while talking on speaker with Finn.

He was nice enough to offer us a ride since we didn't have one, but that also means that Mason is tagging along the ride because we don't want to leave him out. Which is going to make it a bit awkward.

"Finn's outside." Am says while bobby pinning some hair back. "Well tell him to come in.." I say while beginning to curl my hair.

"K, brb." She says leaving the room causing me to roll my eyes. A little while passes before I hear footsteps coming closer to the room.

"Hey Jen." Finn says while coming over to me. "Sup.." I say too distracted curling my hair.

"Where's Mason and Am?" I ask taking a break from curling.

"They're down stairs talking..why are you going to wear that?" He asks motioning to my clothes.

I look down, I'm wearing a white 'Take Me Home' 1D t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and white Vans which I wrote 1D on.

"Because I I'm going to a One Direction concert." I replied, going back to curling my hair.

"Whatever, so what's up with you and Mason?" He asks while sitting down on my bed. I'm a bit shocked he asked that, how did he know anything about that?

I'm so shocked that I burn my hand. "OW!!!" I yelp in pain, dropping the curling iron on to the table. Finn immediately rushes to my side.

"Are you ok?" He asks completely concerned.

"Well let's see I just got burned by a curling iron and my hand is red do I look ok?!" I ask/yell at him.

"Sorry let's get this under some cold water." He says while grabbing my hand lightly and guiding me to the bathroom.He turns on the faucet and runs my hand under the cool water.

"Hey are you guys ok we heard someone scream!?" Am asks concerned with Mason behind her.

I nod my head yes, then take my hand out of the cool water. "Let's get to the concert." I say while grabbing my jacket and heading down stairs.

"But you're still dressed in those articles of clothing." Finn says while following behind Am and Mason.

"Yep and I'm going to stay dressed this way and so is Am." I say motioning to her because she is wearing the exact same outfit. "Whatever just get in the car."



We arrive at the arena already seeing fans everywhere. Finn already left, and I must admit the ride in the car was not so awkward with Mason.

"Hurry let's get inside before 5sos starts to play." Am says dragging me with her to the entrance.

"5 who?" I ask while following.

"Ugh you'll see." She says waving it off. We quickly enter and run everywhere until we get to our front row seats.

After we entered we saw thousands of fans or I think it was millions I have no clue, but they were everywhere and everyone was talking while random music played in the background.

Suddenly the music stopped and the whole arena went pitch black, the arena erupted into screams. The opening act was coming.

All of sudden the stage lit up and four boys were on stage, singing a song that sounded familiar but I wasn't quite sure.

Heartbreak Girl (5SOS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें