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Face Behind the Mask: chapter one

If Clover had not been told to tutor Felix, they would never have been best friends. Their friendship was something that people envied.

But, will they only be friends? Clover questioned herself. They were not going to get anywhere more than the stage of being best friends her inner self answered.

Of course Felix would not want someone like Clover as his girlfriend she thought. But, maybe she was wrong.

Felix Jones was the epitome of perfection. Carved into the best anyone would want to be. With dirty blonde hair that fell over his forehead and hazel brown eyes anyone could get mesmerised in he was certainly nothing less than a Greek God.

Clover Hunt was your average girl who wanted to hide from the world but with Felix being her best friend it certainly was not possible. She did not dress to show anyone but for her own satisfaction.

Clover and Felix could be the best couple if they ever got together. The keyword being 'ever'.

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