Eleven Pipers Piping

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I chuckled a little when Kaidoh-senpai's face flushed red while he was being teased by the others. It wouldn't be long before the snow began to fall. It was pretty amazing that the school would cover much of the field from the snow but it wouldn't take that long and it would be hard to run anymore. Lest, they were going to warm up inside if that happened.

Then I spotted the shortest guy in the group. He was actually getting the hold of it with the others. He was just running naturally with our senpais. His orbs found mine and that made me blush immediately. That simple gesture made me blush already. It felt awkward. Unconsciously, I touched my wrist were the bracelet was attached to. It felt cold on the skin but the way it touched was in a comforting way. Like, it found its rightful location. It felt nice holding it to my hand. Seeing them running, some fangirls were also making noises. I guessed you couldn't get rid of them even on holidays like this one. I just gave him a curt nod before looking back to my best friend.

"We should get going Tomo-chan if we want to finish early." I suggested to her which she returned with a wide grin on her face.


I decided that we should make a chiffon cake for tomorrow. I started heating the oven at the right temperature. While Tomoka was coating the cake pan generously with butter and flour, I began wisking the flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. I combined oil, water, vanilla, egg yolks and sugar in a mixer. I left it for Tomoka to whisk in a medium speed until the mixture is light in color and looked slightly thickened. When I thought that it was thick enough, I turned off the mixer and scraped down the sides of the bowl using a rubber spatula. I added reserved dry ingredients. I continued what Tomoka was doing a while ago as I turned the mixer low until it became smooth and I transferred it to a large bowl afterwards. Tomoka then washed dry the mixer bowl and whisk attachment. She placed egg whites in the bowl and whisk on high speed until soft peaks formed for 30 seconds. She added 2 tablespoons of sugar and continue whisking until stiff peaks form for another minute.

She looked at me and asked if she was doing fine and I told her yes. Using a rubber spatula, she folded a quarter of the egg whites into the batter until they were evenly incorporated. I did the same to the remaining egg whites and combined them. I poured the batter into the prepared pan and baked until the surface of the cake turned golden brown and sprung back when pressed for thirty-five minutes. I tested it with a toothpick just to make sure that it came out clean. We waited until it cooled slightly for 15 minutes.

We started decorating the cake afterwards and after a lifetime, the cake was ready for tomorrow's party. We both looked at each other, wiping each other's forehead and started laughing.

We were ready for tomorrow's party indeed.


The evening went smoothly and the cold on the 26th day of December was remarkable at its finest. Music could still be heard around the vicinity. Tonight was the night we would be having a party to our team. I was still at home preparing for the last minute before going to the nearest court. Yes, we would be having the party in a court. I found a ribbon in the cupboard and grabbed it.

I thought of tying a yellow ribbon of the large box where I placed the cake. I told Tomo-chan and Obaa-chan that I would be bringing the cake to the court and telling them that I could do it by myself. When I was satisfied of putting a ribbon, I went upstairs and changed into something suitable for the winter night. I immediately went down after changing, grabbed the box with my both hands and went out of the house. Just like the other night, the snow was falling down from the blackened sky. It was already cold and could see my own breath in the air. I walked on my way to court while still hearing some Christmas songs around. I passed down a cul-de-sac area and realized that the place wasn't empty.

There were pipers aligned horizontally holding their pipes. Stopping on my tracks, I stared at the group of band and watched them. I knew that they were going to play something and I wasn't wrong about it.

They began playing with their pipes and my heart felt at ease. They were playing the tune of 'God rest ye merry gentlemen' smoothly with their musical instruments. It was a nice tune. The conductor in front of them was leading them perfectly. My lips curved as I listened to the tune. That was the only time I only noticed that there was a box at the corner, possibly for offertory. They were doing it for charity and it was a wonderful thing to do. Shifting the cake with my hand, I fumbled for the money in my pocket when a shadow caught my eyes. The shadow walked in front of me and dropped an offer in the box. What surprised me was, the person turned around and faced me to reveal amber eyes that I had come to memorize even the freckles they would create when staring seriously at something.

"Ryoma-kun!" I exclaimed when I recovered my eyes, "What are you doing here?"

He walked over to her and reached out for the box of cake. I would not give it to him telling him that it wasn't that much of a hassle if his hand wasn't purposedly wrapped mine. I wasn't expecting that especially that I realized how warm his hand despite the glove he was wearing. I blushed a little and looked away as I slowly slipped my hand out from the handle.

"You were taking so long and they sent for me." He said a bit late after that.

"I am on my way.' I whispered enough for him to hear. Knowing that he was going to carry the box of cake, I muttered my thanks to him and started walking. I wasn't expecting that Ryoma would be picking me up and knowing that made my heart take up its pace once again. My heart was pounding so fast and I could hear my own heartbeat because of the defeaning silence between us.

No one uttered a word. It was an awkward-type situation but not too awkward.

"Anou, good luck for tomorrow." I said to him when I couldn't take the silence.

"Sankyuu." He replied shortly. Well, there goes my attempt of talking to him. A one-word answer from the most talkative person I've ever met. Thinking that made me chuckle a little.

"What's so funny?" He looked at me and frowned.

I stared back at him and felt a bit embarrassed, "Nothing. I was just thinking. That's all."

He just continued looking at me. His expression was telling me that he wanted to say something but that was just for a few seconds before he nodded and looked ahead.

We continued walking in silence until we neared the court's location. Ryoma-kun for some odd reason, initiated a conversation.

"You'll come tomorrow, right?"

"I'll be at school so..."

"Right," He agreed before I could finish my sentence, "You'll come and watch the game?"

I looked at him when I realized he rephrased his question. That was how I understood his intention. Blush had found its way to my cheeks as I nodded. I replied before I could stop myself, "I'll cheer for you."

Ryoma-kun looked at me once again and I realized what I just said to him. If my face was already red, I'd think that it was crimson now.

"I-I'll cheer for everyone, of course." I immediately corrected myself. It would have been more embarassing that I wanted to hide elsewhere.

"Sou ka," He replied as he walked ahead when we spotted the court, "I'll definitely hear you tomorrow."

My eyes widened when he said that. He wanted me to cheer on him. I'd never shouted before. Well, except for one time and it made everyone pipe up after that. I guessed I boosted up their motivation that time and so as the others did.

My heart was nervous. Ryoma-kun was looking forward to tomorrow's game. Honestly speaking, I was also looking forward to it. I hoped that they could hear my voice once again. My thoughts were cut short when I heard senpai-tachis' excited voices especially for the cake. I giggled at their childish antics as I walked to the direction where Ryoma-kun entered.

Tonight was going to be a long night with full of chiffon cake and fun activities.

Chapter two's done! How was it? I tried getting the lyrics right into the story. Piping has two different meanings so I thought of including them here. One was the baking and the other was the instrument itself. I hope I'd do justice to this chapter. Domo.

Reviews please! Let me hear you guys. I miss you... 😊😊😊

See you tomorrow.

12 Days of ChristmasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora