Harry's son hurt- for april-xoxo

Start from the beginning

Jackson was leaned up against Kade stiffly. His eyes were open and staring at a spot across the field blankly, holding his right arm across his chest. His knees were both bloody and grass stained.

"Yeah..." Matt dug around in the bag resting by his feet, "catch, K."

He tossed the bottle through the air and Kade snapped it up with one hand, popping the lid off and taking a sip before handing it over to Jackson.

I sighed sympathetically as I crouched down in front of him, trying to see how much pain he was in from the look in his eyes. Behind the blankness I could see it, and I could see that he was chomping down on the insides of his cheeks, "hey Jack. . ."

He blinked slowly after swallowing a mouthful of water, "I'm fine Dad, everyone's over reacting" Kade shook his head slowly, locking eyes with me. I looked back to Jackson, "what happened?"

"Had my head d-down, I wasn't watching." 

He gulped, and I didn't miss the slight stutter in his voice. Neither was very reassuring.

"See that massive guy out there? He butted heads with him and went flying. Hit the ground pretty hard," Matt said, coming to stand at my side.

 I did indeed see the massive guy out there, and my jaw dropped. How he could be fourteen was a mystery to me. Steroids or just mean genetics.

Jackson wasn't little, he had height and lean muscle on his side but for him to be against this kid would've been like watching a kitten get run over by a car.

He moaned in frustration, "it wasn't that bad. . ."

"You didn't get up for like five minutes," Kade pointed out, obviously concerned.

"I was- I was just in shock. I got a fright. I'm okay now. You didn't need to come Dad, I'm going back out onto the field in a minute, right coach?"

"I don't know if that's the best idea Jack, your wrist-"

 Jackson cut him off sourly, "it's football Matt, you're not supposed to use your hands." 

He started to get up and I instinctively put my arms out, just in case. After seeing gigantor out on the field I was terrified about the damage that could've been done.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of his bones had been crushed.

Kade stood up with him, looking almost as uncomfortable with the situation as I did. He was really a good friend, I'd always liked the kid. Like right now, he was sitting out of his football match to make sure that Jackson was okay. It was nice to know that Jackson had that kind of support even when he wasn't with us.

Jackson grinned oddly, not looking good on his feet at all, "see, good to go."

"I don't think you should play any more bud," I blurted, knowing how angry he was going to get. He was stubborn in the worst of times and when there was something he wanted to do he usually did it, no matter the circumstances.

But that smirk was so horribly forced. He was hurting more than he was letting on.

Jackson huffed, "there's only like six minutes left"

"Exactly, you're not missing out on too much then are you?"

"We're paying another game on Wednesday, mate," Kade added.

I grabbed Jackson when he suddenly stumbled, a pained grunt falling from his lips.

 I felt my arms straining and knew that I was pretty much holding him up, if I let him go he was going to fall, "hey Jack, bud, what's the matter? Do you need to sit down?"

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