Finding My True Identity[Story-line]

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People say I’m plain and lifeless. I don’t think I am I just never really found the real value of life. Who am I? No idea. Normally people at 17 in my neighborhood just go to school, get drunk or high, have sex, and do whatever they want. I, I never really wanted to do those things. I just stayed home and did homework or what I’d like to call, schoolwork. You see, I been homeschooled all my life. Sitting home all day and doing schoolwork has never had any interest towards me... besides college but it didnt really make a difference to me. I only have a few friends I talk to, which at my church, and I’m not very close to them. I don’t even know the point in going to church anyways. I wanted to find something. I wanted to know who I was, who I am, and what I love to do most.

“Justine, take out the garbage!” said my mother.

I was just lying in bed. Ever since she has been dating her boyfriend I haven’t really been as close to her anymore like before. I never really liked him. He always asks me random questions about my appearance, how school is going for me even though he knows im homeschooled, and how my mom talks about him; it always gets on my last nerve.


“I’m coming.” I said calmly. I got up and walked to the kitchen where the trash can was at.

“It’s about time” my mom said

“Sorry... I was thinking about something”

“It’s okay, just come right away next time”

“Okay.” I grabbed the trash bag from the trash can and went outside to take it out. As I walked back in my mom was just giving me crazy eye contact. “Are you okay?”

“No. Are you okay?” she said strangely

“I’m fine, why?”

“Never mind. Um I have something I been needing to tell you”

“What happened?”

“You see, me and Chris have been dating for quite a while and…”

“3 years.”

“Yea. Well, I we been doing a lot of thinking. And we both made the decision for me to move in with him.”

“WHAT. There is no way I’m living with him.”

“That’s why I been needing to tell you for a while. You see, I’m still going to own the house we live in now so just in case something goes wrong in Chris’ house we’ll always have somewhere to go.”

“Well I’m not going to live in a house with him.”

“I knew already. I trust you to keep this house safe.” She said thinking that I don’t do anything in this house anyways so it doesn’t matter.

“Anyway to avoid living with him”

Soon enough the day had come, my mom was packing her bags to move into Chris’ house. I never really remembered how many days ago I found out. To be honest I never really cared. Whatever. I’m gonna be on my own now. But I was always like that. So my mother moving never really changed anything.

“Justine, Chris, I’m going to the store to pick up some food for Justine so she won’t starve when I leave!” said my mom in the middle of the day when we were packing.

“Okay” Chris and I said.

“So it’s just me and you now.” Said Chris in a creepy way.


“So you wanna do anything, fun?” he said disturbingly.

“I’m just going to go to my room…” I said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2012 ⏰

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