My 5th Birthday

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Dick Grayson's POV

I ran. Face set as I hit the hard pavement and rolled forward out of the landing. I was aware of few things. An explosion to my right. The scream of a woman. The plastic, false, illegal name tag and subway ticket digging into my palm. The soot flew through the air, clouding my vision. My escape plan was working well, despite the inhabited building blowing up instead of the uninhabited one. My extraction point was a city away, at Haley's Circus in Gotham.

 I jumped the fence, knowing where it was without vision. But so would the people coming after me. I was in the alley way. There was the sewer plate. Before they could pick up my heat signature, or even tell I had escaped into the sewers, I was halfway across Metropolis. And I didn't stop running till my lungs were on fire from my soot covered black clothing, and I was on the opposite side of town. I changed and took a look at the damage. Besides a few minor cuts and bruises, I had a large, but not deep gash on my shoulder, and a visible nick on my cheek. I had tattered blue jeans, a black shirt, and a red hoodie, also tattered. Lastly, I drew from my backpack, under the food, a short, but sharp blade.

 I pulled all my hair back in a fist full. I had never been allowed to cut it. Until now. The strands of jet black hair fell into a plastic bag, until my head was shaggy, and my hair couldn't come into my eyes even if I pulled on it. Into the bag, I also stuffed my old uniform labeling me as my father's. Starting with the sash, bearing my father's emblem, I took out a lighter and watched it burn in the dark and damp sewers. 

"I disown you." I muttered. And, scraping the last of the ashes into the sewer water below, I moved on. 

I caught the subway to Gotham, pulling my hood down to come in behind a woman with her 5 children. They each put their ticket in the box, all whining about something you could find in a candy store. Lucky for me they were all shushed be their mother, and sat down and behaved. This was it. I was full filling my mother's dream of escaping. 

We arrived at Gotham in the next 10 minutes. As soon as we reached the top of the steps of the subway, I yanked my hood back up and headed for the alley ways. I looked like any other homeless kid. Ripped clothes, an old backpack carrying my only belongings slung over my shoulder. 

I ran into 3 thugs, who after trying to grab my backpack found themselves hanging upside down by their shoes laces from the nearby fire escape. There it was. After about 7 minutes of light jogging, I had found the big top. I ran around to the front entrance, using 3 dollars of the American currency I had stolen to get a ticket inside. It wasn't to hard to sneak to the back, given the security guards were amazed with the already started show. 

Mary and John Grayson spotted me when the move out of Gotham started, but kept me a secret, slipping me some of their meals, letting me sleep on the extra cot in their sleeping space. Even going to the length of patching up my shoulder.  I even started watching  them practice their act, learning their tricks to 'flying'. It was pretty much all I had asked for. But it couldn't be perfect forever. 

Long story short, I got caught after living in the Circus for 5 months. The owner was deciding whether to kick me out or turn me into the police when Mary and John made the choice to adopt me. I had the fake ID card, which labeled me to the son of a woman who had died 5 months ago in a fire. No one could find any other information on her other than her birthday and address. 

It took some bribing , but after being told I would do the Flying Grayson's act without pay, and being shown had some skill on the  rings, the owner let me stay. 

For 4 years I thought I had escaped my old life completely. Until Tony Zucco took the job. And my life would be ruined again. 


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story won't be updated regularly. 

If you are confused, tell me what you are confused about and I either already have plans to clear it up OR will now make plans to clear it up. 

I'm on my computer so... 

*devil smiley face emoji**nerd face emoji*Stay Whelmed*nerd face emoji**devil smiley face emoji*

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