Chapter 19

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" ok girls wish you luck on your house." The sales lady said.

" thank you." We said back and I shook her hand.


I walked downstairs and the house was covered in party supplies.

" Emma... What's going on." I asked

" I'm having a party." She said.

" oh well just when people come keep it down please." I said nervously.

" ugh, your just like my brother but only your my a girl. I'll keep it down I promise." She said. But I knew she was lying.


I heard talking a music playing from downstairs my room was technically shaking.

I went downstairs and pushed my way through the crowd till I found Emma.

" I said keep It down."

" what?" She asked

" keep it down!" I yelled

" I am." She said. she was drunk already.

I was walking back upstairs and someone followed me.

I turned around it was a weird ass bearded guy.

" hey babe, wanna ya know get crazy in your room." His breath reeked the smell of a beer.

" no sorry, I don't fuck people I don't know." I yelled and ran up to my room.


I got dressed into my pajamas while the party was still going.

" Isabelle!" Emma said an opened my door

" you have to come downstairs."

" no. I don't want to." I said

" don't be a priss" she said and grabbed my arm.

I was downstairs and I saw a circle of people, Emma pushed me in the middle.

" dance!" "Dance" " dance" " dance" " dance " people shouted.

I just stood there like a 7 year old when she doesn't know the answer to a question.

A group of boys threw harry in with me.

" harry?" I asked

He was coming closer to me and whispered

" get ready." And he ran with me upstairs.

" Emma." I shouted.


He threw me onto the bed and I backed up.

" harry your drunk. Stop" I screamed

" I need to kill you." He said

" no please, don't." I cried

And ran out the door.

I ran outside and got into the car to go home to my old house.


" mom."

I heard sounds and romantic music playing.

I walked upstairs to her room and slowly opened the door.

I was in complete shock.

I saw my mom with no clothes on and Steve with no clothes on fucking.

" mom.... Uhhhh" I said

But they didn't stop.

Steve got up and put a condom on.

And went towards her, before I saw anything else I quickly shut the door.

That's ITTTTT thanks for readinggg

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