Chapter 1

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" Isabelle you have to visit your papa in the hospital." My mom said pleasantly.

" fine mom." I said.

I got my combat boots on, white v neck short sleeve shirt, and my skinny jeans. And threw my hair up in a sloppy bun.

I went downstairs to see my mom and her boyfriend making out on the couch.

" bye mom.." I said, grabbed the keys and walked out the door.

I got in my car and turned the motor on. I buckled up my seatbelt and turned on some music.


I pulled up into a spot in the hospital parking lot and turned of my music, I took out the keys and turned the car of. I opened my car door and stepped out. I walked over to the doors and opened them. i went up to the lady at the front desk and said

" um can you take me to cell 209 please?"

She walked me threw the doors, I got goosebumps by just looking in the room.

My papa is in the insane asylum because he was born with schizophrenia. He hears and can can see things that can make him go crazy. They make him do things he doesn't even know he's doing . They make him hurt people. one day I woke up and he was in the corner of my room saying

" I must kill.."

As she was walking me to the sell I saw a boy with curly hair getting held back. He was staring at me. We finally got to the cell and I walked in. My papa was playing cards by himself. I walked over to the metal bench and sat down. The coldness of the bench was going threw my jeans.

" hi papa.." I said

" hello sweetheart." I said back

" do you wanna play?" He asked

" no papa sorry not today." I said.

I heard screaming and banging.

" well papa I gotta go now I'm sorry I didn't stay that long... I have to go out."

" ok you can go." He said


I got out of the cell and saw the boy still held back against the wall.

" let go!" He began to scream

" help please..." He said

I began to walk very fast.


I saw my friend Ashley one of the nurses and asked her what was wrong with that boy. She said

" well the boy is named harry styles, he killed his twin sister because she was spreading rumors about him at school. He tried to kill himself but his mom caught him and sent him here."


I got home and began to start my homework. My mom came running up the stairs and said

" Isabelle did you see any boy named harry styles at the hospital today?"

" yes. Why?" I asked concerned and stood up

" because he got out of the hospital and is on the loose." She said

I was getting nervous, I don't know if he will find me. He looked like he was smiling at me when I walked in.

I started to shake

Thanks for reading

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