chapter 18

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It was the next morning and Emma was up. She was dressed in this slutty outfit and pounds and pounds of makeup on.

" um Emma." I asked

" what?" She asked concerned.

" well you have a lot of craziness on your body right now." I said trying not to sound mean.

" well now that Taten isn't here I can wear whatever I want, because he hates when I wear things like this."

" now get up." She says.

I got up and I didn't even bother to put my every day clothes on I was going to go see the new house in my pajamas.


We stopped In front of the house. It looked even prettier in the morning.

We got out and saw the nice sales later waiting for us.

" hello girl do you want to take a look in the house?" She asked. She looked more excited then me.

" yeah." I said.

She opened the door. The house was stunning.

" I get the bigger room!" Emma called out.

And ran up the stairs.

" I guess I get he small room." I laughed.

" don't worry, each room is the same size." The sales lady said.

" good." I laughed even more.

We walked in and I saw a huge living room with hard wood floors and a big flat screen tv.

I turned my head and saw a pretty large kitchen but it was enough to fit 7 people. There was a dining room and a huge bathroom.

We finally got to the second level were the bedrooms are . There was one bathroom, 5 bed rooms and a guest room.

We already had our things in the moving truck and there were ready to come.


A few hours later the house was done, me Emma went up to the front door and waited for someone to open it. I couldn't wait to see my own home. They slowly opened the door and the couch and everything was placed the way we wanted. I went up to my room and it was light blue and had a twin bed and a desk. Emma's room was light purple and had the same thing.

So this chapter is not long but anyway yeahhh

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