Chapter 2

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[Third Person Pov]
     In the helicarrier, two shield agents from the  avengers team have arrived for a briefing with the head of shield, Nick Fury.
        Clint Barton and Natasha romanova walked into Fury's office, sat and waited for Fury to talk. He just looked at the two agents, both master assassins, he put a picture of a hippopotamus of a man, on the screen behind him. He had a beer belly, a scruffy face, no hair, badly done tattoos everywhere, and a horrible sneer on his lips. All together a man you would cross the street to avoid.
          Both agents cringed on the inside but kept an emotionless mask on the outside. Nick Fury started to talk " This here is an infamous gangbanger, impulsive gambler, and murderer," he paused " his name is Gabe Ugliano. His wife was found beaten to death in an alley six months ago, evidence suggests she was raped by multiple people before death as well." He sees Clint's questioning look " you are going after him because local police have tried, four officers have turned up dead, and we have reason to believe a huge weapons deal is going down soon."
" Agent Barton, don't interrupt me. You where chosen because, one your my best agents, two you can get it done right no problem, three everyone else is busy, and finally we have reason to believe there is a kid with him. We need this done with a gentil hand. Understood."
"Understood" the two echo him.
" Good, you leave at noon to take him down, get some rest and do what ever else you do." He dismissed them unceremoniously, and turned towards the bay widow in front of him.
       The two best agents in shield silently walked out. Both unworried about tomorrow but unwilling to under estimate their foe. Tomorrow was going to be a productive day. The two split to prepare, one into the vents, one to the gun range.

Hello wonderful readers!
Well that's another chapter done. How do you like it? Also tell me if Percy should be a water mutant or just a kid who likes water. Ask any questions you have and I will try and answer them! Thanks for reading!
  - Lucy

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