Holiday Thankfulness/GIVEAWAY

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*jumps out from behind a tree* HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! EVERYONE
*cues the piano* what’s this? What’s this? There’s no white stuff in the air. What’s this, there are cookies everywhere. What’s this? I don’t remember the rest of this song without looking it up what’s this!? *bridge* The kids are throwing tantrums instead of throwing cash, and parents are so happy despite thissss

*morphs into the melody from When Christmas Comes to Town from the Polar Express* We have come so far, in times that we can’t choose. We will raise the bar, for the next new Wattpad youth…we just need to remember, we survived another year. Something something the holidays are here.

Hello everyone, and welcome to the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas, or Hanukkah (forgive my spelling), WintersSolstice, Pastapiratarianism…. Or you have to wait until summer for Ramadan, -- or if you don’t celebrate anything at all, then fine that’s cool too, whatever it is you do or don’t do, happy holidays.

I am now climbing up to be what will be my third/fourth year on Wattpad (someone do the math, I started…Sept 2013), and man it has been a long ride. There are so many things that happened, some of it good, some of it bad, but all of it memorable in its own way. And I just want to thank all the people who brought me to this point. I am going to start from the beginning, so sit back.

Skip to the GIVEAWAY on the bottom if you don’t want to read a bunch of Thank You…Notes.

Starting with Ashley, Maddie, and Emily who forced me to join wattpad in the first place. I didn’t have a phone or a computer or any access to internet at the time, I just had a health class and a glitching Mac and you guys who said, join wattpad so we can message you even though you’re sitting right next to us – oh and reading and writing is a thing.

Alexis00010 you’re one of my best friends and I miss you, Lex. If it makes you feel any better, I did start rewriting Us and the Way it Ends. I’m not very far along, but I tried to make the plot simpler and more useable. Short plot summary, you, me, and Angelina (tragic background to each. You fall from heaven, Angelina’s lost her pack, and my dragon is out to kill me) now live together in an apartment, trying to get by, and things start happening.

IncandescentOnEarth I don’t know where to start. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. I didn’t think that wattpad was really for me until we met, I was several months along and nothing was happening, I was about on the verge to just stop with wattpad. Then you showed up on my news feed, the user who is currently called windswepted- had followed you, and I decided to check you out and read that story of yours. I still think it was a very interesting spin on bees XD I remember that icon you had at the time, the Harry Potter fanart one. For a while, everything was rainbows and skittles and Two Steps From Hell. Rainbows and shadows for the win. I’m a cliché and you’re a brightness and together we make something extraordinary.

By the way, I found Two Steps From Hell around this time and it changed my life forever. Music makes you braver. #Vanquishvanquishes If anyone listens to them, which is your favorite album?

Okay, moving on, demiraine after all this time, your username still runs smoothing on my keyboard as if it were my own. I don’t know why you left, but I know a lot of people miss you, and that life is a thing. I’ll always cherish the This Is War era as the golden year, when we were all a little innocenter, and all we wanted was to steal (and vandalize) the sun…with waffles…and llamas.

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