As I see the dance studio appearing in my vision, something changes.

Instead of stopping, I press my foot onto the acceleration and drive towards the hospital instead. No one knows Rosen better than his mother Faith and the best thing to do in a situation like this is to see what her opinion on the matter is. I'm sure she has seen Rosen in love before and knows his behavioral characteristics, which is why it's better for me to figure out what Rosen thinks and then I can make a move.

I come to a cessation in the parking lot and step out of the car, careful not to fall onto my face as my legs felt like Jell-O right now. Heading inside the hospital, I quickly check in my name and head to Faith's room.

Before entering I quietly knock on the door and step inside, Faith's warm face greeting me instantly. "Hazel, it's so nice to see you here." Faith says.

"Hey." I go up to her and give her a little hug. "I just wanted to come by to see how you're doing and ask a question about Rosen."

"Well, honey, come sit right next to me and we'll have a girl talk in private." Following her instructions, I make myself comfortable on the bed next to her as she holds my hand. "So, what can I help you with?"

Firstly, I show Faith the tweet so she could understand what I'm talking about. "What's this supposed to mean? Is it Rosen's way of saying he's interested me or could he be talking about someone else?"

"Do you know if he has someone else in his life?"

"Yeah, Sven," I reply, chuckling lightly.

"For the past 18 years my son hasn't been interested in guys so I doubt he's talking about him. Does he have any other girls in his life?"

I shrug. "I don't really know. I've been spending quite some time with him and he hasn't mentioned anyone else expect you."

Faith smiles at me. "Then what makes you think that he's talking about someone else? If you're the only girl in his life right now, it's pretty obvious he's talking about you. Plus, I've seen the way he acts around you. You make Rosen smile a little brighter, laugh a little louder and just behave like a true gentleman. In my opinion, those are signs of love. And if he isn't interested in you, then he's missing out on someone very special and gorgeous."

"But he appears so mundane around me," I say.

"Honey, just persevere though this situation. He will come around before you know it and I hope that day is soon because I want to see my son happy once more before I leave this Earth."

"Thanks, Faith," I say quietly. "That made me feel a lot more secure in myself."


A few days later a rumor started spreading in school. The rumor is that a talent show will be held amongst the students and the winners will receive 10,000 dollars donated to their chosen charity. For the talent show, the students can perform whatever they chose. It can be a dance, a song, an small part of a play - anything basically.

Later that day, the principal of our school ordered us all to meet in the assembly hall for more details about the talent show. I met up with Rosen a few minutes earlier and we sat next to each other as the principal held his speech.

"As you all know, our school is taking part of the talent show this year," He started. "This year, all schools in Florida will be participating and the winners will receive 10,000 dollars donated to a charity of their choice and they'll have a chance to represent our school and leave an amazing impression in college applications for winning something so huge. So I urge you all to enter with whatever talent you've got."

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