A Smissmas Story

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AN: It's Christmas time and this idea popped into my head. It's not part of the canon of my other TF2 fanfics, so take it for the random Christmas/Smissmas gift for all of you that it is. I hope this can make it merry for you despite the rather nasty changes that came with the Smissmas 2016 update. I even *gasp* ignored actual canon at the end of A Cold Day In Hell for the setting because the ambiance was just right. As well, I'm still writing Like Father, Like Son and I plan/hope to have Chapter 5 out around the New Year. We'll see how that goes. Please enjoy and have a Merry Christmas/Smissmas!


In The Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Siberia, Russia. Smissmas Day.


"Why couldn't we drive the truck to your house?"

Heavy chuckled. "We try that once and we get stuck. It was bad."

Medic shielded the small white bird from the blustering snow, seemingly afraid that he'd blend in and vanish before his eyes if he wasn't careful. He had a quilt bundled in his arms with a tiny bird's head sticking out of it. "Are we almost there, bärchen? Archimedes is quite cold." As he had been doing periodically for the entire hike, he dusted off some of the built up snow as best as he could while trying to keep the blanket wrapped up.

"Da, we will be there soon."

They rounded the path leading up the snowy hill, soon coming past the tall pine trees to reveal a large home surrounded by grand mountains and numerous trees. It looked like a mansion crossed with a log cabin, both grand yet rustic and cozy. Medic could hardly believe his eyes. "You live here?"

"Da. I built it with Mama and my sisters."

"Mein Gott..."

"It was once very small," Heavy said. "We only had front room at first."

"It's wonderful..."

Heavy smiled. "We should go inside. Doctor must be cold."

Medic nodded and followed Heavy into the house. He tapped his boots clean on the front step and called out, "Mama, we're here!"

Instead of being greeted by Heavy's mother, heavy footfalls banged down the stairs. Soldier laughed as soon as he saw the two men in the front hall. "Take that, cupcake! Zhanna and I were here half an hour earlier than you!"

Heavy rolled his eyes and peeled off his thick coat, hanging it and his hat on one of the hooks.

"You didn't have to worry about keeping a dove warm," Medic shot back, using his toe to step on the heel of his other boot so he could pull his foot out without unlacing. He failed to wiggle his foot free, so Heavy untied his boots for him.

Heavy also removed Medic's hat and said, "Let's take Archimedes to the fireplace."

"Ja, once my glasses unfog. I can't see anything."

Heavy simply scooped the quilt ball into his arms.

"Ah, danke, Heavy." Medic wiped his glasses near the hem of his crisp white dress shirt, then returned them to their rightful spot on his face. "There we go."

Heavy pushed past Soldier, who was blocking the doorway, into the family room where a toasty fire was warming the room. After coming in out of the cold, the heat almost felt too hot. In the corner stood the grand Smissmas tree, decorated with soft white lights and an assortment of ornaments collected over several years; none of them matched. Some were made by Mama, others he had made as a child, some were made by his sisters. He frowned slightly when he saw one Papa had made the Smissmas before his death. It was a small wooden trinket he had carved out of a dry chunk of wood, seemingly one of the worst pieces he could have chosen to craft it out of. Yet, he somehow made it beautiful in its own way. It wasn't even carved evenly. Every year, Heavy hung it near the top of the tree at the front, allowing it to stand out among the collection of other ornaments, some ugly and others quite beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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