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Your smooth skin at my lips. Brushing, brushing...and I feel you.

So warm. You are so warm.

Your pulse- I can feel it. You're so alive, you're a vivid dream just in front of my eyes and I just need to reach out, to brush my fingertips against your cheek, to feel your light hair falling all over my face.

Slow and tender, skin against skin.

I want to grasp your soul and sometimes, sometimes I can. Sometimes I'm right inside of your present, floating, flying, like a doomed ship full of hope.

There's no fear, never fear. Because with you I am not afraid.

You will hold me, touch me, have me, own me as we are sharing the same breath.

I kiss down your back, tasting your sweaty skin. It's perfect- you're so perfect to me.

When I close my eyes, inhaling deeply, your scent is everything that's left in my mind, everything I want and I want to bath in it, I want to drown with your name on my lips.

Die with me...


I would.

There's just you. It's you. You.

My mouth stroking down your hips, down to your thighs and you are gasping- so soft, quiet, lazy. I will kiss you all over, worship your body and every inch of your skin.

Soft bites to your ankles, your bones so sharp and fragile.

"What are you doing?", you breath when my tongue is gliding over each of your toes and I don't answer before I reached them all.

"Just loving you..."

"Do you love me?"


"Will you promise?"


More soft licks to the ball of your foot. Soft, white skin.

You are glowing.



"Axl...just Axl..."

You pull me up, fingers tangling in my hair and when I look into your face I see pure emotion.

Those eyes. Your eyes.

"You are so beautiful...", you whisper, hands at my face, before you lean in to kiss me.

The sweet, hot taste of despair, because you are taking my breath away. Always and Forever and-


"Can we stay like that all night?"

Naked, entangled, kissing, touching, listening to each other's heartbeat.


"Please...please...", you moan and I will give you everything- I'll give myself to you, offering you my soul and everything I am.

Because without you I am nothing.

The night is shielding us from everything- so much darkness, shelter, just the dim moonlight falling through the curtains, waves of heat running down my spine, filling me up from the inside.


I'm addicted.

You're holding me close when I come, feeling with me, washed away by want and need, by your warmth that means my whole world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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