"The Poem"[Edited]

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"The Poem"
Chapter II

Jin and sarah. were amazed,
of how the room looks very luxurious and beautiful the room was, jin never found this room in any other rooms, than he have seen in other rooms. He saw another piece of paper sheet on the floor it wasn't torn like the last one, but it was a very old paper he can't really see the words clearly, but he see tiny bit but can understand the word said. "Life is like a Piano: the white key represents happiness, the black keys show sadness but as you grew to life's journey,remember that the black keys make music too.." He got a shiver feeling once he read those words  "jin? Hey jin!." Sarah said waving her hand on his face, he came back to his senses. "Hey jin you ok?.." "Y-yeah.. I'm fine" "are you sure?.." Sarah asked worriedly "yeah.. I'm fine let's just go before someone finds us here" he said to avoid the question. "Ok.."

--At The Hallways-- (again xD)

"Well see you later jin!. Tell me if you need
anything!.."  Sarah said shouting on the hallway so he can hear her "ok!" He giggled, she is very cheerful whenever he felt alone she is always there.. But why did I feel scared or somehow sad from that poem?..  that he picked up earlier he wanted to find out more so he skipped class. He heard the song again but somehow it wasn't the peaceful music, he heard in his classroom it was a Sad music a very heartrenching song, he followed were the music was and found his way back to the living room. He found the white figure that him, and sarah was  following. He can't see the face clearly but it was a teenager with brown hair and a white sleeves and white pants,he can tell its a boy but what is this stranger doing here?.. He thought in his mind the stranger started playing the [insert your favorite song] wait that song is sounds familiar.suddenly Tears started to falling on his eyes "w-wait why am I crying?.." He said while wiping his tears And he said "Dad.?" The stranger stopped playing the piano and smiled at him.. He felt somehow happy, but he never know he had a Dad, he thought he was alone. His vision suddenly blurred out, he shook his head because of the pain, and came back to his senses again. And the man disappeared "huh?.. Where is he?.." He shocked in hesitation you wanted to see him why?.. Why did you leave me?.. So many thoughts came bursting out his head, he bawled his eyes out crying and someone heard him "whose there?.." The door opened slowly and he became scared so he hide on the nearby closet. After the person left,he came out of the closet and sighted with relief but very sad.. He wanted to
searched the room if his father left any notes while he was gone. He walked over the shelf and found some paper saying

"I love you jin this is my last letter I hope you enjoy your future with your mother and have a better life without me, I know its hard but I know you can do it, your my son after all. You can be a better pianist than me one day!..I know you don't remember me after your amnesia. Daddy is really proud of you, don't make me dissapointed and have a better life okay?.. "Signed dad
He bawled his eyes out wetting the paper. You smiled "I'll be a better pianist, just wait and see!" And he said in a sad voice the last sentence was "Dad I miss you.."

To be Continued >>

(Lol to be continued xD I know theres a lot of feels yeah, I like feels.. I know the story is confusing but in the next chapter I'll Explain it fully. XD cya!~😅✌) [hello again I edited the story, sorry I wanted to Change the Story a bit.]

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