The Uninvited Guest

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*Thorin's POV*


Bofur's voice rings out across the courtyard of Erebor. All of the dwarven families and others from Dale had come in celebration. On the first day of summer, the Dwarves host a celebration of the sun to bring good fortune and bountiful crops. I can only smirk from my corner holding a cup of ale. Bofur drunkenly along with Dwalin, Kili, and Bombur sing dancing songs while other merry people join in the dance. I tap my foot to the music but remain in my comfortable place on the outskirts of the festivities. While everyone drinks, dances, and sings I can't help but fall deaf to the joyful sounds. Everything seems to slow and the music fades to a hushed morphed whisper. I didn't feel like hosting the festival. In fact, for the past twenty years, I never felt like having it let alone participating.

"Let me see what you've got!" I hear Molly's voice in my ears from part of a distant memory. I can see us in the gold room dancing and sliding on the slick floors. During that time my mind was corrupt, but she had brought me back for a moment.

"You have two left feet lady Molly."

"And you two right feet Thorin."

My mind pulls from the memory as the music returns to my ears once more and the sound of Fili's voice.

"Are you alright uncle?"

I jolt slightly from his grip on my shoulder, but I take a large gulp of ale "Never better nephew. How is the family liking the festival?"

Fili smirks as we both look out into the crowd. Fili's wife, Ivy, twirls around the dance floor with their son, Frerin. Catching Fili's eyes, she stops and smiles pointing their son to Fili. The small boy grins happily seeing his father's face showing only two of his new teeth. Fili waves to his wife and child smiling just as widely.

I look from his son to him with a smirk "He looks like his father."

Fili chuckles "But he acts like his uncle."

"Which one?" I almost nervously laugh.

The prince shrugs "Does it matter? They're both pretty horrible."

I snort as Fili throws his head back laughing. Nudging me Fili nearly causes me to spill my ale, but I can't help but laugh a little with my nephew. Fili has much more to learn but there are days that I can't help but think he is ready to be King. Apart of me thinks that it may be best for the Kingdom if he becomes the new King under the mountain just before the start of the next summer.

As the party continues in full swing the night grows darker. The ale and food continue flowing as does the laughter. The party could go on long into the summer night, but unbeknownst to us all, fate has other plans.

In the middle of the dance floor, an eruption of green light radiates. A swarm of crows flies circling in a tight swarm cawing and flapping. Quickly I drop my ale pushing through the retreating crowd. Everyone stands back staring at the phenomenon while Dwalin, Bofur, Bombur, Bifur, Fili, Kili, Nori, Dori, Gloin, and I take up arms. As the swarm of crows begin to somehow fuse together, they create and take the form of a blonde woman dressed in black. Her smoldering eyes take in the entire room of frightened people and the company. Smirking she takes one step forward before halting "Well-well...What a grand celebration this is." She states slithering her eyes back and forth across the room.

" She states slithering her eyes back and forth across the room

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"State who you are." I say boldly "And what you are doing announcing yourself uninvited."

"Thorin Oakenshield..." she hisses slowly walking towards me "Son of Thrain...son of Thror...King under the mountain."

As she circles me, I don't move or act as if I'm bothered by her presents in the slightest. The other dwarves keep a close watch on her until she steps away from me back to her center stage.

"My name is Dalia. I have heard so much about you." She says in an almost seductive tone "The three sons of Durin who cheated death. Many claim it to be the might of Durin's line or the favor bestowed upon you."

The smile on her lips quickly fades and she scoffs seemingly unimpressed "I call it shit."

"And what would you know of it?!" Dwalin snaps.

Amused once more by Dwalin's temper she smirks "I know it was not the mighty line of Durin alone that saved you and your kin. I've heard the story of a young woman. The girl who came from another world, destined to reclaim and restore Erebor and saved the three sons of Durin with the snap of her fingers!"

Dalia laughs and settles her eyes back on me "But I think we both know how that little story ended, don't we?"

Burning with the anger I clutch my sword tighter "Choose your next words carefully witch!"

Her eyes widen and her hand comes up mockingly clutching her chest as she gasps "You miss her."

I can feel everyone's eyes look at me and feel the creeping of guilt and longing rise up over my shoulders. Taking a step towards her I hold out my sword "State your business witch and leave."

Acknowledging the crowd, she raises her voice "I come bearing no ill will only good fortune. Well, a celebration if you will."

"A celebration of what?" Fili asks suspiciously.

"The coming of your new Queen."

Everyone murmurs among themselves and some even snicker and laugh as Dalia presents herself. I can't help but smirk scoffing at her dramatized flourish. Her burning eyes widen in fury and her lips tighten hearing the snickers of the others and the amusement in the company's face.

"You do not bow to your new Queen?" she hisses.

Bofur and the others huddle closer to me "You are no Queen to us! We only serve the King under the mountain!"

The crowd and company cheer all in agreement. I look to Dalia who sees the crowd's disdain for her and surrounds her. Everyone faces the woman who now is enraged.

"FOOLS!" she bellows as an eruption of power bursts from her. The green hue thrusts into the crowd knocking many dwarves back and to the floor. I myself go flying back and hitting the stone floor with a thud.

"I had come in peace and understanding. Your mockery and resistance give you no chance of redemption! The slew of pathetic Kingdoms of Middle Earth will fall and crumble under my heel. You will either kneel before me willingly....!" She hisses "Or lay before me in pieces!"

Flourishing her black cloak, Dalia disappears turning into the swarm of crows. The dozens of crows fly amongst the crowd pecking and clawing at the guests before finally departing out of Erebor.

The ominous feeling in my chest now becomes clear. It was not the fear of the Orcs haunting me but the uninvited enemy at our door.

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