Chapter 7: Pleasantly Surprised (Picture of Loft)

Start from the beginning

Zac unlocked the door and allowed me to step in, shutting the door quietly behind him. My eyes bugged out of their sockets as I looked around. This place was gorgeous and whoever lived here was one lucky person.

"I wanted to keep this as a secret until we graduated, but seeing how you have your doubts... I knew I needed to show you tonight." Zac said hugging me from behind.

"Who's place is this?" I asked in awe, he must be condo sitting for someone at the firm.

Zac stepped around so that he was in front of me. His gaze blazed right into me as stood mere inches away from me. "This is our place, Kai."

I felt as though I could literally pass out. The room seemed to be growing larger around me, either that or I was shrinking. Our place...since when?

"Our place?" My voice came out in barely a whisper, I'd be surprised if Zac heard me at all.

"Yes, 'our' place...for after we graduate." His eyes sparkled against the bright lights that illuminated the apartment. "I wanted this all to be a graduation surprise, but..."

"So this is where you've been spending all your time?" I interrupted him before he could finish what he was saying.

He gave me a small nod as his hands cupped my face. "I wasn't being distant, just busy trying to furnish this place. I wanted everything to be perfect...I'm sorry if I caused you to think otherwise. Do you like it?"

Perfection...this man standing in front of me was the true definition of the word. "I love it..." My voice broke off as my eyes welled up with tears. I tried my hardest to hold them back, but it was simply impossible. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

His thumbs brushed away the tears that fell from my eyes as he brought our faces closer together, closing the distance between us. Our lips sending those same familiar electric shocks as they became one.

I kissed him hungrily, grabbing onto the back of his neck pulling him closer to me. "You're so good to me, I don't deserve you." I mumbled against his lips as I pulled away slightly.

He grabbed my face in his hands and forced me to look him in the eyes. "Don't ever say that, if I could give you the moon and the stars...I deserve the best of everything." He said softly as he leaned his forehead against mine. "Wanna get a look at the rest of the place?"

Chewing down on the side of my lip I nodded my head excitedly. Zac took my hand and guided me throughout the loft. It was a two bedroom, one and a half bathroom.

A knock sounded on the door as I admired the kitchen area. Zac left me to my exploring while he went over to answer it.

"Thank god you guys made it back safely." Came Chad's voice from the door. I spun around with a giant grin and ran to the door.

"Chad? What're you doing here?" I inquired with a puzzled look.

"Hey there neighbor." He answered with a smirk. "I was coming over to check on you guys...there was a bad accident on the highway, I was worried you guys got caught up in it."

"Neighbor?" I asked confused.

Chad and Zac chuckled together. "Yes...neighbor." Chad answered pulling me into a hug and kissing me on the forehead. "You didn't seriously think that you're moving away, leaving me and Aiden behind...did you? We're a family, where one of us goes...all of us goes."

"No way!" I laughed out loud. "You and Aiden are going to be living next door?"

Chad nodded his head eagerly as his hair swept down into his grayish blue eyes. "Mmm-hmm and AJ lives on the 35th floor, so you and Reese will still be close."

"What? This is where AJ lives?" I asked surprised. Great...just great...hopefully I don't run into Ethan here! He's staying with AJ till he finds his own place.

"Yeah, what's wrong? I thought you'd be ecstatic about that." Chad asked looking a bit confused by my reaction.

"No, no. I am excited about her being so close." I corrected trying to cover up the fact that Ethan was only 15 floors below us. I wondered if they knew he was here? I didn't want to say anything and ruin the night.

"Well kiddies it's late. I'm going to catch some z's, we should go to breakfast together in the morning." Chad suggested as he gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Sounds good man. We'll text you when we get up." Zac answered with a fist pound.

Our master bedroom as well as our en suite bathroom had an amazing view of the city lights. On the little table next to the windows sat a bucket of champagne on ice and two glasses filled with champagne.

Zac led me over to the window, picking up both glasses he turned to me and handed me one. I smiled at him gratefully, he was too good to be true.

"A toast to us...and our new place." Zac grinned with his heart breaking smile.

"To us." I answered raising the glass to my lips taking a small sip. I looked down into the champagne glass and noticed there was something shiny at the bottom of my glass...what was that?

My eyebrows creased as I squinted to see what was at the bottom of my glass.  I really need to stop drinking I was beginning to see things.

I swear I could see what looked like a ring at the bottom of my glass. I took another sip and whatever was at the bottom moved a little.

The only way to get whatever it was out was to finish off the champagne, so that's exactly what I did and when I emptied the glass the little thing slid to the top of it.

I gasped as I grasped my fingers around it and pulled it out...looking up in shock I stared wide eyed and open mouthed at Zac...who was now down on one knee in front of me watching me intently.

"I've loved you ever since that day in kindergarten when I fell and skinned my knee and you kissed it better, I knew I couldn't live without you as I watched you fly off to France the summer before our Senior year...I love you Kai and I'd be honored if you'd even consider spending the rest of your life with me." Zac proposed, his voice was husky and filled with so much emotion as his eyes twinkled against the dark night. "Because I don't see my future, without you being a part of my life. Like I said earlier, I wanted to wait until we graduated to surprise you, but I'm impatient and I can't wait anymore. We don't have to rush into any thing, but will you marry me?"

My heart was pounding so quickly, I'm surprised he couldn't hear it in the quiet of the room. The knot in the back of my throat cut off my air supply as I tried to take in deep breaths through my nose. My eyes spilling out tears as I listened to my best friend confess his love to me.

"Y-yes." I managed to choke out as I sobbed in disbelief. I was the luckiest girl on the planet and I was blessed with the best man on earth.

Zac stood up quickly and swooped me up into a hug, swinging me around wildly. He let out a small victory growl as he captured my lips in his, carrying me over to the bed...where we made the most passionate love I could ever imagine experiencing.

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