Bats on the Belfry part 5

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The batmoblie pulled up. Barely missing our heroes screeching to a halt.

"Got to work on those brakes." Monotone really?

"Oh is that all. We nearly got ran over" I say
Babs has her speaking device on now it reads her lips and says what she mouths at the volume she sets it "watch the brakes you nearly killed us." She has it near full volume.

I am so glad I have my earplugs in the adjustments made to them means they block out decibels based in volume of the sound going in.

I can hear the smallest footsteps but the loudest scream doesn't hurt my ears.

We get in the car. Babs and I still angry at Bruce. How do you miss something as important as brakes. Jeez.

We quickly put on our costumes with snaps of fabric pulled tight and clicks of boot clamps being closed. We put on our armor and belts last with shiny metal dusted with led to keep it from giving us away. We each have at least ten belts all clamped tight around our costumes. The rough bulletproof armor enclosed by soft fabric underneath to make it more comfortable.

Everything is covered except for my hair and about two inches around of Batman's mouth. with all our gear on we are intimidating especially Batgirl. She can read people like a book so she is our interrogator. I'm the one who works with children since my costume is least intimidating. And Batman works with the police since they respect him(He is the only adult in the group after all(Even if he has the mental age of sixteen)) We each have things we do that the others can't. We balance out each others weakness and compliment each others strengths.

Babs and I look over the details of the break in while we ride to the asylum. 

Vmkmavm brcok im ot Orkvn Osylvm. Oll prisancrs rclcoscd. Bridgc dcstraycd by banb...

Okay let's have the reader fix this.

"Unknown break in at Arkum Asylum. All prisoners released. Bridge destroyed by bomb." I listen to through my earplugs/communicator. Yeah that makes more sense I look at it again wit the knowledge hat I was mixing up V's and U's, M's and N's, A's and O's,  and E's and C's

Unknown break in at Arkum Asylum. All prisoners released. Bridge destroyed by bomb. Police already on the scene. Waiting for choppers.  Gathering up prisoners that have reached other side of bridge...

I go through the information on that sheet before the three of us memorize the layout and all exits, cameras, electrical outlets , plumbing and just about everything else that could be useful.

We reach the asylum avoid the police and circle in. The police aren't that cool with us but for now they simply have a secret tea investigating us. They think we are dangerous but refuse to make a move on us without reliable data(I.E. Who we are, What weapons we have, How dangerous we are, If we want to take over the polices job, If we are friend or foe.(Answers 1 you already know, 2 everything we have everything (Yes this includes tanks, missiles, Satellites, nukes, planes, grenades, you name it), 3 I can power down a city block in seconds and the city in ten minutes causing utter chaos, yes Gotham Cops are super corrupt and over 3/4's are dirty, Friend to clean cops, foe to dirty)). So for now we are pretty safe as long as we stay in the shadows and don't attract the media.

Anyway we get to the asylum and the bridge is blown out and there's a jack in the box head sitting in front of the bridge. 

"Looks like someone has a thing for theatrics." I say pointing at the jack in the box head and detonated bomb parts.

"Let's be quick about this." Comes the robotic voice of Batgirl's lipreading voice machine.

"Let's make haste we still have a lot to do tonight. There are who knows how many muggers out there right now." Batman says. I detect a hint of stress in his voice. He hates the fact that stopping all criminals in Gotham is out of his grasp as of yet. It will happen someday though(According to the delusional bat)

We grapple over the bridge staying out of site. And into the sewer system. We got inside in minutes and made our way to the main building still smelling faintly of methane gas.

We see prisoners blankly wandering around as if in a trance. Well that's Gotham medical care for you. Put the mentally ill so heavily drugged they are in a trance. Jeez, I'm so glad I'm not locked in here anymore. (In this version instead of Juvenile detention he went here because he was deemed mentally ill because of the anxiety, depression, and they believed he had delusions when he still spoke to his family to calm himself down). I swear they need to better understand mental health or get out of the mental health business, this is insane.

We walk around trying to find who broke everyone out. God, I hate this place. Why did they throw a kid in here it makes no sense.

Babs is not having a good time either. She knows that if her father decides when she turns eighteen that he can't take care of her anymore she's gonna end up in a group home or here. Depending if she is deemed mentally sound by a psychologist. We hate psychologists with a passion. They can decide so much in our lives it's insane and we have no control over it.

"I have an idea let's rescue the psychologists last and start by rescuing the guards first. As the guards will be the most helpful and the psychologists will just get in the way" I say trying to keep the anger towards this place out of my voice.

"Yeah we don't want to have to deal with a shrink while we are fighting whoever broke in here. They would just try talking them down and we can't risk them getting hurt." Babs looks slightly excited at the idea of not dealing with a stupid shrink.

We find a guard just standing there looking tense Batman goes up. "Are you gonna just let this happen or are you gonna..." He turns him around to find a ghoulish yellow grin on his face and an unmoving man who appears dead. I go up and check his pulse and breathing.

"He's still alive but not by much his pulse is dropping too." 'We have to get him out of here and get him some medical attention fast or he might not make it' goes unsaid.

"Don't you like him, He has his Papa's smile.

We turn  around only to find a horror show. In front of us.


Dah Dah DAAAHHH Cliffhanger.

Well most of you probably know who is behind the smile but I'm not gonna spoil it for those you who don't.

Anyway if you want it a day early either get me to thirty views or ten votes.

Two days for both or forty views.

Three days for forty views and ten votes.

It's up to you when I publish.

Merry Christmas everyone.

I will be doing a special one shot for Christmas and new years so be sure to view that.

I got over 1000 words and it took me less than a hour WhooHooo

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