Bats on the Belfry Part 3

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Bruce Wayne was working. Well he would work as soon as his desk was straightened out.

The damn night cleaners messed up his desk again.

So after putting the pens back in order, fixing my papers and adjusting my chair, (It took too long for something he had to do everyday, damn it) I got my paperwork started.

Three tedious hours of scratching pens and cramped fingers later he heard the ringing of the telephone.

"Mr. Wane, there's a guest here to see you." Came the scratchy voice of the secretary. (Seriously someone get her a cough drop) "Can I send them up?"

"Who is it?" I say in a tense tone. Of course she will miss it and just think it's my same monotone again. What is wrong with her she never tells me anything beyond the bare minimum. 

"Lex Luthor." Is she eating? While on the phone. Great example she's setting for the company. "Can I send him up." Clearly with an overstuffed mouth of half chewed food.

"Okay but one thing first." My nerves are dwindling with every word. The sound of her smacking her lips while eating was disgraceful. "Don't call me again with a mouth full of food eat then talk. It's basic manners. I am your boss after all."

"You're so picky I'm over the  phone how can you even tell." Still hasn't swallowed her food.

"Because I can barely understand a word you say I hope you haven't spoken to our guests this way."

I hear her put down whatever it was she was eating and she says finally with an empty mouth. "Fine, sending him up."

I don't deal with Lex often. Usually when I do it's because he contacts me or Superman asks me to keep an eye on the business side of things. Ether way we don't deal with each other often.


Several minutes later the elevator door opens with a ding. In walks the impressively tall man in a suit that shows off his muscular physic gleams of light shinning off his bald head .

Behind him walks Leslie his "assistant" and body guard. She has implants in her arms to shoot anyone who messes with Lex. I can hear the metallic sound of the  gears grinding as she swings her arms at her sides. Crude technology to say the least.

"Hello Mr. Wayne. I hope we can do business today." He says in a booming voice. Walking over to the desk. I immediately regret not bringing my adjustable ear plugs.

"Hello Lex. What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?" I am to what either of us is saying as he has started to pick up a pen and post it to write something down messing up my desk in the process. Twitch 'take the pen' Twitch 'put it back in it's place' I try to ignore that line of thought and pay attention

"Well you see we have this new designer drink called Geo and we were hoping to sell it in Gotham. But no store will accept it as of yet and we were hoping you could serve it in the cafeteria of your Wayne tech buildings to start the trend."

"I would have to look at the formula before I could make any promises as we have several food allergies in the building we try to avoid. Peanuts, tree nuts and wheat are off the menu for many parts of the building. Plus we strive for all natural so there's that to think of."

"Well this is a designer super-food, it has been shown to increase worker productivity three fold i testing." He says anxiety lacing his normally calm tone. This was an important deal for LexCorp Mr. Wayne was sure of this now. But he was not going to budge. Especially if it was an important deal for LexCorp. He never said so, but he did what he could to hinder them while keeping things friendly as he was somewhat "Friends" with Superman.

"Well in that case I will have to decline. I think my employees need to be productive by their own merit I do not allow things like focus drugs in this company. Everyone must work for their place here I do not condone anything that will warp their work ethic through medication. That is exactly what you have described, is it not?" I say amused that he would attempt this sale. He has offered me these kinds of things in the past focus drugs for employees, Worker mandates that expect too much in order to push them to take focus drugs on their own. Things of the sort. I have always refused. While I do expect a lot from my employees I certainly would not push them beyond their limits intentionally to get better results.

"Why Mr. Wayne I must ask you to reconsider." He says there's almost a threat in his voice.

"I would however like to look at some of the all natural food options you have. Ones that do not involve any types of enhancements for focus." I say trying to leave on a good note. "Many of my employees are on medication that reacts poorly to those I do not want them haphazardly in the food."

"Of course Mr. Wayne." We spend the next hour talking food options. for the Wayne Tech cafeterias.

"Okay so fifty pounds of blueberries, twenty gallons of lactose free vanilla yogurt  and five hundred gluten free bagels. Delivered periodically distributed to all Wane Tech Buildings This seems to be a pretty good deal don't you agree Mr. Wayne." He has calmed considerably. I even got my pen back and straightened out my desk. Win all around. Plus I have further hindered whatever his plan for Geo is and gotten some more of his legitimate venues some more business.

"Well I hate to wrap this up but I have a considerable amount of paperwork left to do before I take my son and his friend to a basketball game tonight."

"I'll send you the paperwork by tomorrow then."

"Goodbye Lex."

"Goodbye Bruce."


Authors Note

Oh boy. I had a much different plan for this chapter originally. But I decided I wanted more tie-ins to the rest of the DC universe than the show had so I had to have something. Honestly I'm not a huge Superman fan. Batman was always my favorite. But he's easy to associate to Bruce Wayne because of their shared business. In future chapters I will have tie ins to Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow and Martian Man hunter. Well if I'm gonna make my deadline I have to wrap this up.

I'll update this a day early if I get ten votes or thirty views

Two days for fifteen votes or forty views

But the views and votes have to be in by the time of the release date


Love you guys

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