Chapter 4: Day's without him

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  "Stupid Alex," I mumbled to myself, throwing my hands in the air.

  I wanted to punch that fool in the face, if it was the last thing I did. I'm tired of feeling like I lost my other half, although, technically I did.

  "When he comes back he is going to get a buttload of fists and kicks." I grumbled menacingly now.

  In the middle of my huffing and puffing I heard the lock to the front door click. Already knowing who it was, I sat still.

  It was my step mother Amelia, I could smell her Chanel 5 perfume. Just when she walked through the door I eyed her up and down.

  She had worn a white blouse with a knee length black skirt and matching heels.
Her shoulder length black hair laid softly upon her cheeks in tiny ringlets of curls and her cheeks were of a natural rosy pink.

  I could tell she was worn out by how sluggishly she walked and how her shoulders sagged in relief as she walked through the door, locking it behind her. While she was taking her heels off, I got up off of the couch.

  Before I could reach her destination she had already had her heels off and was staring at me. Her light green eyes piercing my own as I glared.

  She only smiled a little bit and walked right past me. Hell no. She did not just walk past me. Crossing my arms I followed in pursuit behind her.

  Although I don't particularly like this woman, she had taken good care of Alex and I. She didn't have to adopt both of us, but she did and I owe her one for that.

   On the other hand though, she separated my brother and I, or at least that's what I like to think.

  Still trying to catch up to the 5'3 29 year old woman was starting to irritate me.

  "WOMAN! STOP!" I yelled loud enough that it resounded around the empty house.

  She stopped and finally turned around. Her cheeks now red and her green eyes set ablaze. If there was one thing that ticked this woman off, it would have to be the word woman and being disrespectful, she did not tolerate either.

  I held my ground and faced her head on. "Why did you do it? Why did you agree? Why can't I go?!" I angrily yelled, gripping my hands at my side.

  She walked up to me faster than I could yell 'Kentucky fried chicken'. Being about the same height I stared her down.

  Her teeth gritted and that's when she spoke slowly. "I told you this many times, I will not say it again... You cannot go with Alex because you need space. He is a growing boy. With you on his hip 24/7 how do you think he'll live a full life? He needs to grow up, he asked me to go to that college himself. He didn't want you to come so get over it. You will go to college here, whether you like it or not." She spat the last few words, trying to make a point.

  I almost drop the woman right here and then. Sighing she rubbed her forehead and said in defeat, "I've had a long day and I don't need to come him everyday to you giving me this bs. If you would please just go watch some tv and relax, that would be great." She walked off without another word.

  I turned around and stalked towards the front door. Unlocking it I opened it as wide as it could go and slammed it. I knew I was being immature and childish but she didn't understand the need of a wolf. My wolf, Charlene was more than upset.

  Maybe a run around the neighborhood would do me some good. It's not like Amelia was going to care anyways. She only catered to me when I was younger. Her and I didn't click, but her and my brother hit it off as soon as they met.

  Jogging at a slow pace I decided to get lost in my thoughts for a while.

  Thinking back a few days ago with Alex, I still couldn't figure out what he meant. It frustrated me. What did he mean he couldn't do this anymore. It's not like it was bad, it was pretty normal for us, or at least I thought.

  Maybe I was in the wrong? Maybe I'm just that bad? No couldn't be. Could it? Thinking on more about him I couldn't help but wonder if he was with her.

   Growling I stopped dead in my tracks. He couldn't be. I grabbed my phone, which said 9:30pm and typed in his number.

  After a couple of rings later and I heard a deep tantalizing voice on the other end. Oh how I missed it so. My wolf bouncing in delight.

  "Hello?" The man breathed into the phone.

My breath hitching I stumbled on my words a little. "A-A-Alex?"

  "It's only been a couple of days and you're already calling me. Damn, I must be the fire to your wood." He laughed under his breath.

  "Oh shut up. If there's one person who'd be on fire it would be me." I rolled my eyes.

  Before I could ask what he was doing I heard a woman speaking.

  "Hey, come to bed I'm tired."

Anger boiling up in me, I knew who it was... It was that bitch Miranda. I felt betrayed and hurt. How could he let her into his bed?

"Alex." I spoke firmly.

"Yeah." He replied quickly.

"You know what? I'm done. I can't do this Alex. How are you with her? Why is she in your bed?" I was hurting.

"I love you sis but I'm an alpha. I have my needs. I miss you, a lot... But like I said before we can't keep doing what we were doing. I'm growing up, and so should you." He said without any hesitation.

My wolf and I whimpering, my heart broke. If this is what he wants then this is what I'll give him.

"Okay, if that's what you want... I won't bother you." I was now half crying.

"Thank you." Was all he said. Did he not know how I felt right now?

After that I heard the line go flat and that was it. That was the end of the call and my heart. Knowing me I knew we would never hate him... Realizing it late but sooner than later.. I was in love with him, I'd run back to him at his beck and call.

He is after all the only one I trust.

My mate is my twin ?! Impossible...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang