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"Hello, this is Styles Surgery Co. Styles speaking"

"Oh hi. I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with a professional surgeon. I would like to discuss some surgery options."

"What are you thinking of having?"

"Ohh, just minor adjustments. Nothing to extravagant"

"Would you like to meet up with me later today so we could discuss the details of your surgery?"

"Yes please, I would like that very much"

"I'm gonna need your name, age, and gender."

"Louis Tomlinson, 20, male."

"Okay thank you. Does 4:00 work for you?"

"Yes that's fine"

"Great. We can go into more detail about your surgery then. Meet me in room 2B on the 2nd floor."

" May I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Styles. Dr. Styles. Don't be late."

~end phone call~


Louis woke up with a start. After he had scheduled a meeting with his surgeon Louis had passed out on the couch. He had a massive hangover from the night before and he hadn't gotten much sleep that week.

Louis groaned and rolled over on his side. He had woken up from the sound of his cat, Pickle, jumping off the table. Whenever his cat jumped off anything it made a big sound considering he was extremely fat and Louis wasn't sure if it was healthy for cats to go on diets or take diet pills so Pickle continued to stay fat.

Louis grumbled to himself and tried to snuggle further into the couch, pulling the blanket up to his chin and tucking his feet under the covers. He was finally about to doze off when his phone flashed brightly, signaling he had a new text message. Louis rolled his eyes when he saw it was from his boyfriend, Derek, asking if he was free later today so they could go to his friends 25th birthday party at some club.

Louis rolled his eyes. Derek always wanted to go to every party possible, not that Louis minded but sometimes he needed a rest from the dancing, drinks, and loud music. He quickly replied with a "maybe" then went to turn off his phone. Just as he as about to hit the off button Louis finally took notice of the time. 3:35.

His eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. He had a meeting with Dr.Styles at 4:00. There was no way Louis could be late to that. He scrambled off the couch, tossing the blanket onto the floor, and rushed into his room desperate to change his clothes as quickly as possible. Louis spirited towards is dresser, kicking Pickle out of the way and pulling own his drawer. It was never hard to decide what to wear since Louis only owned black shirts and black jeans.

He practically ripped off his current shirt and pulled on his normal black shirt. He slid his sweatpants down his legs only to replace them with skinny black jeans that showed off his ass perfectly, then grabbed a random pair of vans from his closet and tied the laces tightly.

Louis ran a quick comb through his hair then rushed back to this living room. He grabbed his phone from the couch and was about to leave when he realized how hungry he was. Cursing himself for being any later, Louis rushed into his kitchen, shoved a banana in his mouth, kissed Pickle on the head, then finally got into his car.

The clock read 3:46. Louis sighed, finally excepting the fact that he wasn't gonna make it to his appointment on time. Dr.Styles would have to wait. Louis switched on the radio and smiled to himself when How To Save A Life by The Fray came on. He began to sing softly as he drove to his appointment. His mind was clouded with thoughts of everything he had ever heard about plastic surgery. He wasn't afraid of pain compared to how nervous he was about the end result. All his life Louis had wanted to get surgery and fix all his small imperfections but he had always been to scared. It was really Derek that had convinced Louis to do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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