The Special Boy

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"Wait here." The woman snapped, indicating him to take a place on the waiting seats in front of the room where she entered. On its door was written in black on a gold plate, "Psychologist". Hoshi smirked. Really? They thought a psychologist would help to 'fix' him, as his mother would like to say.

Fix him.

As if he was broken.

He was still staring at the shiny sign when some movements stirred him out of his mooning. A nurse was pushing a wheelchair, setting it beside his seat. On it was a tiny round-faced boy with the strangest pink hair he had ever seen. The said-boy turned his head to Hoshi, granting him a large smile which turned his eyes into moon-like crescents. It was dazzling. But it wasn't what caught Hoshi's attention. It was the missing thing.

This boy had no date.



Sorry guys. Short update. Hope you like it...

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