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Taehyung: "Um, Jin, meet Chanyeol. Chanyeol, meet Jin." I looked at the man standing in front of me.

Chanyeol: "Nice to meet you." He said with a smile. I smile back.

Jin: "Nice to meet you too." We shooked our hands. Chanyeol: "Are you two marri-".

Taehyung: "Tea?" He rudely inturptted. We both nodd our heads. I looked at him and he looked back at me.

Jin: "What was that?". I whisper as we walked behind Chanyeol. Taehyung: "What do you mean?". He coldly asked.

Jin: "You know what I mean." I said looking at him with a angry face.

He smirk at me and walked faster. I, walking faster, try to catch up.

As I was trying to walk fast, I tripped, pretty much over nothing, felled forward and bumped into Chanyeol.

We felled onto the ground, me on top of him. Jin: "S-Sorry!". I said helping him get up.

Chanyeol: "It's okay." He smiled at me. Then his smile dissapeared.

Chanyeol: "Are you okay?". He said suddenly holding my arm. Jin: "Huh?".

I looked down and realized their was a bruise on my wrist, which I don't how it got there.

Jin: "Oh, I'm fine, it's just a bruise. I'm sure it'll disappear in a few days."

Taehyung: "Um, are we gonna go?". He said a bit cold but not too cold either.

Chanyeol: "Um, yes."

Chanyeol: "These are very delicious, Jin." Jin: "Thank you. Me and my friend made them when we were in the woods".

We both smiled to each other. As we did, I notice Taehyung staring at us. Actually, he's glaring instead of staring.

I looked at him and he looked away, annoyed. What's wrong with him?

Chanyeol: "Exuse me, but I need to go to the toilet." He said getting up

Taehyung contiued drinking his tea, acting like I wasn't there. I looked at him.

Jin: "What's wrong with you today?". I said turning to him. Taehyung look at me.

Taehyung: "What do you mean?." He said again.

Before I can say anything, Chanyeol had already returned.

I let out a sigh. I'm so tired. I need to sleep. As I got in and closed the door, I was slam into the wall, a hand next to my head.

I looked up, shocked at the movement, saw Taehyung looking at me.

Jin: "What are you doing?". I said looking away. He leaned in and got closer.

Taehyung: "You like Chanyeol, huh?". He said in a low voice.

Jin: "What?" I said looking up at him. Jin: "No way. We've just met and I'm already married. I only like him as a friend."

I looked away again, not wanting to look at him.

Taehyung: "Tch. Yeah right." He turned my face and pressed his lips onto mines.

I, shocked at what happened, try to free myself but couldn't somehow.

He left my lips and went onto my neck. I blushed as he kissed it.

Finally, I was able to pushed him away. I touched my neck and wiped off the saliva.

Taehyung only smirked at me and stepped forward. I try to back up, but my back was already on the wall.

Taehyung: "I'm gonna teach you a lesson, and perhaps you'll remember it."

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