When We Were Young

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A\N: if the words are like this its a memory, keep this in mind. Also the picture above is how I got the idea for this.

"Come on, the parks this way!" I yell happily as me and my best friend run through the woods towards our beloved old abandoned park. "Slow down i'm gonna lose you!" I just giggled and keep going, well that is until I don't hear footsteps behind me anymore.

I stop and turn around but he isn't there anymore, I yell out to him but am meet with no reply. I yell out again but still there is nothing. Fuck where is he, I start to freak out a little and walk back the way we came from calling his name. "BOO!" I scream at the sudden attack and turn quickly feeling my hand come in contact with someone's face, the laughter that person was giving out stops and I open my eyes that were shut tightly in fear to see my green eyed friend holding his cheek with tears in their eyes.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, are you okay? You scared me half to death! what the hell?" mixed emotions are shown in my voice but he just starts laughing again still rubbing his cheek, "Jeez Cas, you can pack a punch but you scream like a girl" by now he is full on laughing, holding his stomach and everything. "Screw you Dean! I was worried that something happened to you!" the only emotion left in my voice is anger and he knows it. "Cas i'm sorry, don't be mad at me" he looks at me with those damn puppy eyes and I know I just can't stay mad at him, "just don't do it again" I sigh with a smile slipping onto my face. "Come on let's go, I still want to hang out at the park" and with that we begin our journey again.

Present: Castiel:
"Don't look at me like that Gabe." I outwardly sigh and look over at my idiot brother "What am I suppose to do Cassie? This is the fourth time this week you have come home covered in bruises and cuts. I can't let this continue" he scolds me with anger in his eyes, I know its not directed at me but I still feel bad, I bow my head in shame. "Just drop it Gabe, if you to do anything it will just make this worse" I huff and cross my arms.

I know he just wants to help but I've told him I don't want him to so many times, I'm the older brother I should be protecting him, not the other way around. "I can deal with this on my own" I slid off the counter and head upstairs to my room. "I swear Castiel if you come home any worse then this I'm walking down that hall with you and kicking anyone's ass that even looks at you funny!" I hear my brother yell up the stairs towards me and chuckle at his outburst.

Sure Gabe might talk big but he gets to behind his pranks, with them he doesn't have to actually interact with the person, well in less he gets caught, but I have to actually look at someone when they beat me up, and I don't think he could look someone in the eyes and beat them up, even if its for me. 

I just shake my head at my brothers comment and walk into my room, closing the door and sliding down it. Its been a long fucking day and all I want to do right now is curl up in my nice comfortable bed and go to sleep. 

A/N: well then that's the first chapter it probably really bad, sorry about that i'm trying to make them better. Please comment, ill read and will respond to some too. Alright bye ✌

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