My Thug 12

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Chapter 12

Mia Pov

King had just left and Cali was still sleep. I got up and put on the new pair of sweatpants he had bought me. I walked to the room where London was. When I walked in I seen her sitting on the bed. "How'sthe bed.?"I Asked.  "It's comfy... and you didn't tell me you talked to King. " She said laying back in bed. She continued. "The biggest drug dealer in The A..." I walked over and sat on the bed. "I haven't told anyone.  You're the only one that knows. " I said grabbing a small pillow laying across my lap.  "What about your brother Tre'? " she asked. "Nope he doesn't know. "I said. "Why.?" she asked. "Because if Tre' find out I'm dating his friend, yet a 20 year old he would go crazy. "I said. "Yeah that's right. Well have y'all fucked yet?" she asked smiling hard. "Girl no..I am not hot in the ass like you." I said laughing. "Well excuse me. He got a big ass house."She said laughing. "I know right. " "Well your birthday next week, and lucky for you  it's on a Friday. " she said.  "Yeah, and I still haven't planed nothing. "I said.  "Well you need to star- " she was cut off by Cali.

"Mommy ,Mommy. "She cried. She ran directly to me. When she got to my lap I sat her in the bed. "What wrong baby.?" I said.  "My tummy hur- ...." she was cut off by the fluid coming out of her mouth. She threw up on the floor. London then rolled over with the trash can. After Cali had stopped I put my hand over her forehead. She was supper hot. "Cali mommy is going to take you to the doctor."I said taking her to the bathroom to brush her teeth.  "No mommy I feel bett- " She started to vomit again. But this time it was blood. "London!" I yelled from the bathroom .

She had falling out. "Omg!..London she  passed out..Im taking her to the hospital."I said. I picked her up and raned to King's bedroom and grabbed the keys and put on a pair of slides. I ran down the steps with Cali still in my arms. I locked the door behind me. I unlocked the door and strapped Cali in the seat.Then I  ran to my side, got in and sped off.  On my way there I called King.  I told him what happened and he said he was on his way. When I got there I ran in.  "Help. help me please ." I said. The nurse ran over to me and grabbed Cali. She put Cali on a bed and rushed her in the back. "Stay here ma'am. "The other nurse said. I went and sat down. Tears started to form in my eyes.  All I could think about was Cali. When I looked up I saw King and Tre'.  "Is she ok.? " King said. I could see the worry in his eyes. "I don't know....She was vomiting and then she stop then she did it again and blood was in it..." I said crying...

We had now been here for almost and hour. Then finally Tre' spoke.  "How you know my sister? " Tre' asked King. "I met her at the park. " He said careless. I knew he didn't care if

Tre' know about us anymore.  "Oh OK so you hired her to babysit.?" Tre' asked. Tre' face looked confused. "No man..."King said putting his head in his hand. "Parents of Cali Johnson?! " the doctor called out. King got up and looked at me. "Come on babe. " King said holding his hand out. I grabbed his hand at looked at my brother who' s face was now frowned But still confused.  "Mr.Johnson Cali is okay and stabbed ,But I have bad news....Your child has..... "


No Goals..

Uh-oh..  What does Cali  has ?...


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