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Two Years Prior

It had happened two years before, around Christmas time. Jason had been at Thomas's holiday party all evening, but it was starting to get late and people were starting to get reckless. That was usually his cue to go home, and tonight was no different. Jason had never been one for parties anyhow. He located Thomas through the pulsating mass of people and made a beeline for him. Thomas stood talking in an animated conversation with someone Jason didn't quite recognize. He hung back, waiting and pretending to casually clean his glasses. His efforts to wait unnoticed were in vain, however, for Thomas spotted him and (ever the social butterfly) invited him to say hello. "Jace," he said enthusiastically, "I want you to meet Bret. Bret, this is Jace." Bret gave a small nod of acknowledgement and continued the conversation for a moment longer before deciding that the new arrival killed the vibe and returning to the punch bowl. Thomas turned as though nothing had happened. "What's up, pal?" he asked, eyes lighting up like the lights on a Christmas tree as he smiled his most contagious smile.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night."

Thomas's smile shrank slightly, but didn't disappear. "Aw, really? You sure there's no way I can convince you to stay?" he asked, placing a hand on Jason's shoulder.

"No, not tonight," he said, shrugging him off. "I've got a test to study for, homework to do, sleep to get..."

Thomas frowned as he looked past Jason to the windows. How he could see them through what seemed like the entire student body, Jason wasn't sure. "I don't know, Jace. Is it safe? It's raining pretty hard and there'll be ice on the roads... You can always stay over. We could call your folks. They won't have a problem with it." The joking was gone from Thomas's eyes, replaced by what Jason jokingly referred to as 'mom mode.'

"You sound like that creepy Christmas song," Jason laughed. Thomas cracked a smile, but still looked worried. "I'll be fine, I promise."


"Yeah! Swear it on my life."

Thomas smacked him on the arm. "Not on your life, idiot! That's what we're trying to protect here."

"Fine, fine. I swear it on my secret stash of Halloween candy."

Thomas gave a small smile. "Alright, alright. Stay out of trouble, don't do anything stupid."

"Says the guy with the entire school in his living room."

"Oh, please. I've got everything under control." The sound of breaking glass sliced through the conversation. Thomas's smile turned into a scowl as he whirled around and rushed through the crowd. "Chad, I swear, if that was my vase I'll kill you!"

Jason laughed and began fighting his way back through the crowd to the door. Despite the vase incident, Jason had no doubt of Thomas's host abilities. No matter how many people attended his parties, nothing ever got out of control and everyone had always vacated by a decent hour. His people skills were incredible, practically magic as far as Jason was concerned. I wouldn't be surprised if the sun stopped at his command, he thought with a smile. In fact--

Someone ran straight into him, jolting him out of his thoughts. He stumbled slightly, glasses falling to the floor. "Oh god, I'm so sorry!" said the blur in front of him. "I didn't see you there."

"It's fine," he said, waving them off. "I wasn't paying attention. Did you see where my glasses fell?"

"Uh..." The blur began moving around, trying to catch a glimpse of the lost glasses. "No. I could help you look, though."

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