13 Subconscious

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Hermione's POV




Wh-what? Who is that?

Oh good your awake! Took you long enough. For a minute there I thought you died. That would not have been good.

Who are you.

I'm the Christmas Ghost don't cha know.

What? Its not even Christmas.

Oh your so much fun to tease Hermione. Come on, I don't sound familiar to you? Man, I'm hurt 'Mione. Real hurt.

You do sound familiar. I've heard your voice before. But I don't know where.

I thought she was the smart one Fred.

Man she's been in a coma for a week now. Cut her some slack.

Fred? Thats you? Who is the other person. What's going on? Wait! I'm in a coma? What's going on!

Should we explain dear friend?

Yes, I think we should.

Well, here goes nothing. You have Fibromyalgia. It's when your body gets random pluses of pain in different areas of your body. This disease normally occurs in people from 19 and older. But in reality very few people get it until at least 30. Nobody knows how you got this at such a young age. 17 is a young age 'Mione. Anyways, Normally wizards and witches don't get muggle diseases, yet here you are. You aren't from a wizard mum or dad, but that shouldn't matter. The doctors at Saint Mungo think someone has been given you some homemade poison. A poison to give you Fibromyalgia. Why this disease, I don't know. But, like all diseases, you can die from it. And with how high your pain levels have been with this disease, it's fairly easy to die from the pain. Is this all making sense so far?

Yes Fred, it is. But your saying that I can potentially die from some disease someone gave me?

Um, yes? Uh yes, thats what I'm saying. I need to finish what I need to say. As I said before, this disease can kill. And you, my friend, have a choice between staying here, or going back to reality.

So your saying I have to choose between life or death?

Pretty much.

Do I have a time limit to choose?

Yes ma'am you do.

How long?

About twenty minutes, me and my friend here will leave you to think of which one is the better choice. Come on Cedric, she needs time to think without us goofing off.

Oh okay, bye Hermione!

Think Hermione. I'm at the in-between point. Just like Harry was when Voldemort cursed him with the Killing Curse. Only, my in-between place is not a train station. It's a park from my childhood. So I have a choice. I can either go back to my loving boyfriend and friends, or continue on to some sort of afterlife with all my brave friends who all died for Hogwarts. I could spent more time with Fred, Cedric, Tonks, Remus, and all the others. Or go back only to have to recover from whatever Fred said I have. Recovery will be hard, well thats if the doctors can cure me. I could get through all the recovery if Draco is there to help me through it. But what if no one is allowed to see me? This is actually a pretty hard decision.

If I go with Fred and Cedric then I can reunite with not only my friends, but also with my family, whom I haven't met yet. What if some of them have, well had, magic just like me? I have so many questions for them. But then, how will Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Draco feel if I died? I don't want to hurt them. I'm so confused!

Sorry to jump in and interrupt you, but I just got word that Ron almost killed Draco by strangling him. Draco just woke up from being unconscious for two days. He will be starting speech therapy soon. Ron bruised his voice box, so its hard for him to talk. Just thought you wanted to know.

Draco is injured? By Ron no less? Oh my goodness!

Yes, I'll go now. I thought you would like to know.

Yes, thank you Fred.

Draco almost died...he-he could have died and I wouldn't have known! I need to get back to him right now. I need to see him.


Yes 'Mione?

Take me back now! I need to go to him right now!

Are you sure?

I'm very sure! Now take me back!

Alright. I'll miss you 'Mione.

I'll miss you too.

Merry Christmas everybody! Have a splendid holiday break!

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