We stay like this for a moment, basking in silence, swaying softly from side to side. I can't really dance and I suppose that neither does Ada, but somehow, we make it work. I think it's yet another prove of how well we fit together. Two people who can't dance on regular basis and suddenly develop the skills while dancing together is not something that happens every day. It hasn't happened to me yet, at least. And I have held quite a few girls in the short eighteen years of my life.

Neither ever came close to the one I am holding right now.

Ada shifts and her silky hair slides down my arm. She has it pulled back in a high ponytail, preventing it from spilling down her back freely, but for some reason, I like it. With a rubber band holding the rebellious waves, she has nowhere to hide when she gets scared or embarrassed. Ada likes making a curtain out of her hair and retreating into it like a tortoise into its shell way too much. I can't wait to see the day when she finally stops doubting herself. Because there is nothing to doubt. And I plan on spending most of my energy opening her eyes and making her realize that.

It isn't until she lifts her chin that I realize she had said something.

"Mhhm?" I murmur, glancing down at her.

"Where is your mom?" She repeats her question.

I blinked, a little taken aback by it. Honestly, this was one of the last things I expected her to ask, just before why ladybugs have spots.

"She's at Daylen's - my brother's. She'll stay the night there."

A single brow arches, letting me know just how far into the gutter Ada's mind had wondered. "The night?"

I don't think she realizes how dirty her mind is, also. "Just so that he wouldn't have to drive her back here later." I reply. "Mom's an early sleeper. She usually passes out around eight, so waking her up and making her switch places wouldn't be what a loving son should do."

I don't mention her troubles with sleeping, or the fact she sometimes needs to hover on the line of overdosing the sleeping pills and painkillers before she can finally close her eyes in peace. With a little stab of guilt, I push all the everyday problems out of my mind. I love my Mom, but right now, thinking about all the things that went wrong in life will get me nowhere. She would have told me so herself.

"I swear it had nothing to do with whatever impure accusations you're sending my way." I go on, smiling slightly.

Ada tries to look suspicious, but she'd make as good an actress as she'd make a comedian, which is not good at all. "I'm not sending anything your way." She protests.

"Of course you're not." My grin widens. "The little army of pheromones comes from the cat living next door. I always knew she liked me way more than she was supposed to."

The crimson color instantly rushes into Ada's face, betraying her embarrassment - or maybe anger. I can never tell. "That would probably be it." She replies curtly.

I chuckle quietly and guide her head back to my chest, tucking the top of her head under my chin. This is yet another way in which we fit like two puzzles - I don't have to bend at the knees to do this, but her height is not enough to make it impossible. I'm not an asshole enough to judge a girl by how many inches you can count measuring from the top of her head to her toes, but when everything's just like it should be, it is an additional bonus. A much-appreciated one, too.

The songs begin and finish, one changing smoothly into another. I honestly can't tell how much time has passed since we started dancing. It seems like it was just a minute ago, the time right now flies so quickly. I briefly wonder what time it is, then remember I have nothing to worry about. I made a deal with Everett - he has them convinced that Ada is out at Makena's right now. I don't know the details of what he told them, just that he had promised me that I have nothing to worry about tonight. I doubt it he'll appreciate it if his little sister spent the night at my house, but at least I know she can stay here until late.

Come to think of it, I also don't know what Ada's brother had come up with to bring her here. He's been a big part of this venture, taking care of making all the lies he needed to get - and keep - Ada here. I haven't known him long, but if there's one thing I can tell for certain is that all Deargs are unpredictable - and stubborn as hell. I can only imagine what the fight about coming here must have looked like between the two of them. I just hope he didn't need to do anything reckless - but who am I trying to delude here, though. Ada wouldn't get out of her house in the evening if she didn't want to and had no idea where she was going. Of course Everett had to do something reckless to get her out.

I will have to remember to explain this all to Ada and make sure Everett fixes all the possible damage he's done. The last thing I need is Ada coming home tonight and hating both of us after remembering the little trap she had been led into.

I have again gotten lost in my thoughts so much Ada needs to nudge my head with hers to get my attention. I lift my chin and let her meet my gaze herself. She studies me for a moment, her golden eyes darting between my own in what seems like deep concentration. I can almost see the wheels in her head turning as she thinks about something intensely. Finally, when I sense she's about to back down, I decide to help her out a little.

"What?" I ask gently, lifting my hand to softly trace a line down her cheek with my finger.

Ada remains silent for a moment more, her eyes never leaving mine. Somehow, she's made them impassive, impossible to read, so that I don't know what's going on behind them. Just when I think she had changed her mind and was going to knock me out and run, Ada finally speaks.

"And I like you." She says, her voice a quiet whisper.

I stare. I can't help it. It seems like the only thing I'm capable of in this very moment, because this - this isn't what I was expecting. Everything - everything - but this.

The reaction of my mind and body is too powerful for what has just happened. A girl just told me she liked me. Kids in kindergarten do that and get less excited about it. But it is more than the words - more than what has been given air and voiced out loud. What matters is what lays beneath it. What she is silently telling me without the need to form a sentence.

It is a try. A try to accept... me. Somehow, this one night has managed to change everything.

Or maybe it isn't just this night. Maybe it has been building inside her for some time now, and now she has finally - finally - let herself dive head in. Finally let herself ignite. And this is more than I expected tonight.

I can sense she starts regretting the words the second she speaks them. Not able to see her doubts, I do the only thing that comes to my mind in this very moment. The only thing I can think about. The only thing that makes sense right now.

I lean down and kiss her.

And this may be just the best decision I have made in a very long time.


L/N: Finally an update. Yaaaay! I have to tell you guys, it's one in the morning here, and I have to be up and ready to start the day in five hours, but hell, it was worth it. I almost cried three times when I was writing this. I mean, look at it. My little babies are growing up. This is just so adorable <3

I know the chapter feels like I've been writing it both high and drunk, but hey. A girl has to have her moments, too, even a tomboy like me. So you better remember this chapter, cause from now on, everything is going to be different between Ada and Jed.

Stay tuned! Love ye :*

P.S. Sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes, I've tried checking it for errors but things don't always work at one a.m, so please don't hate me. I'll mistake-check it the first chance I get (probably in the morning, eating cereal).

Red Hair, Black Soul (Red & Black #1)Where stories live. Discover now