The cure -27-

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*Peter’s P.O.V.*

I saw that Emily girl run out of her tent and into the forest. She looked almost… happy. I ran into the tent she’d just ran out of. Lily sat on the floor with an unconscious Maya. I went to the other side of Maya. For some reason I felt panicked, angry, and most of all, nervous.

“What happened?” I questioned.

“That person wasn’t Emily. I think it was Red.”

“You get her to her tent, clean the wound and do your best to heal it. I’ll handle the attacker.”

“Wait, Peter,” she said using my first name for the first time, “It was coated in Nightmare Touch.”

“Just get her to her tent. We can handle the poison later.” She nodded while picking her up. I ran out of the tent and followed Red’s tracks. I knew that girl well and knew she wasn’t as fast as me. I easily caught up with her. As soon as I did I grabbed the back of her shirt, pinned her a tree, and put a dagger to her throat. 

“Well, well, if it isn’t Peter Pan” she mocked.

“What did you do to her?” I shouted.

“Oh, is Pan going soft? Do you care for Nap?” I growled and banged the back of her head on the tree, hard enough for a bruise. She blink a few times before making eye contact again. “It doesn’t matter. She’ll be dead in a matter of days.”

“Give me one good reason not to kill you where you stand.”

“You’d be breaking a promise. Remeber? I get to live, in trade, I give you the beans. Which, by the way, I regret.” I sighed remembering that deal. I pulled away and threw her to the ground.

“Leave now.” I turned and walked back to camp. When I got there I went into Maya’s tent. Lily was dabbing her forehead with a washcloth. Silent tears came out of her eyes.

“She hasn’t woken up yet. You watch her; I need to go get the cure.”

“But once she has the cure she can’t leave the island.” I said.

“Unless,” came a groggy voice, “you there’s a person on the island with water magic.”

“Naiads.” Lily breathed.

“But only royal blood has the power…” she finished then passed out once again. She ran out the tent yelling for the mermaids. I sat by the bed waiting for her to come back. About an hour later she was back. Her eyelids fluttered a bit before staying open.

“Peter…” She mumbled then coughed.

“Shh, Maya, go back to sleep.”

“No I can’t. When I’m asleep I’m in a room of fire. I keep getting burned.”

“It’s just a dre-” She cut me off.

“No it’s not! See.” She sat up and rolled her sleeves up. There were burn marks. “In the second drawer on the left there’s some special cream for burns. Please grab it.” I got up quickly and grabbed it. She sat up all the way now. I lifted her left arm and gently put the cream on. I did the other arm next then set the jar on the nightstand.

“I’ll go get you some food.” I went out and grabbed a plate. I filled it with part of a squirrel and some fruit. While I was out there one of the girls made her some tea. They handed it to me as I walked back. When I got back she was dozing off again. “Are you still tired?” She nodded.

“Peter, do you still have that pendent I gave you?”

“Yeah.” I said fingering the chain. 

“And do you remember what's in it?”


“Good. Then use your brain.” She was out again. I looked at the pendent.

“It’s a cure to Nightmare Touch. One use only, though. When the day comes you’ll use it.”  A voice echoed in my head.

Of course! This was what she was talking about. How could I have forgotten I had this? I unscrewed the lid off and dumped the plant out. I put it in the tea and lifted it to her lips. She gulped it down in a matter of seconds.I threw the covers off and looked at the wound. It had healed. Now all we had to do was wait for a rayol naiads help. I wonder who that would be.


Yay, double update!!! I gusses that's what happens when you have three exta days of break. I'm starting to miss school. I never thought I'd ever say that. I'm sick of my family. Mosty my sister. I want to see other people.

VOTE!!! :D


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