" not-nothing wrong . I'm fine !" He stutter and give me his fakes smile . I know he is in pain . He put donny on the floor while standing up slowly and when he does he whimper softly ." Louis , tell me what's wrong ? " I asked him , holding his arm tightly so he doesn't fall .

He forced smile and said " don't worry harry . Just let me go to the bathroom yea ? " he said in shaky voice. His pill in the bathroom . I push Louis down slowly and said " you wait up here . Okay " I said while rushing to the bathroom. I open the cabinet that I always saw Louis open it everyday and there was it , the pill ..

I take them then go to the kitchen to take a glass of water and quickly go towards Louis . Then I gave him the bottle of pill and he looks shocked but took it eventually. '' eat them lou . You will fill better !" I said to him .

He took 2 pill and shoved it in his mouth and I gave him the water and his swallow with a water . He then close his eyes and I saw the tear almost coming out . I sat beside him and rubbed him . " it's hurt too much hazza." He whimper and put his head on my chest . " do you need to go to hospital ? " I asked him worryingly.

He shook his head and I hold him tighter . I rubbed his shoulder, his back and kiss his hair . " alright . Just relax and you will be okay " I said assuredly . We stayed like that for a few minutes till Louis move his body .

" how do you know I need those pills ? " Louis said weakly , he looks a bit pale and his hair is sweaty . " I know you take those pill whenever you goes to bathroom . I've noticed it lou . You always didn't close the door properly so I may or accidentally watch you . What is the function of the pill anyway ? Pill killer ? Why do you eat them ? Are you sick ? What kind of sick ? Flu ? Migraine? " I asked him and then I realised that I don't want to handle the truth so I just chuckle

Louis look at me weirdly and I said " I asked too many questions didn't I ? Haha just forget it what I ask you okay . Now , wanna order pizza or Chinese food? " I asked him again , changing the topic . " we had pizza yesterday so Chinese then " Louis said simply. We order our food and Louis decided to take shower meanwhile me continue the game .

( skip the dinner , now move to the documentary . )

" alright I'm ready to do the documentary ! " Louis said after he done eating . " seriously? It's 10 , aren't you tired ? " I asked him amused at his eager to do the documentary . Louis pout and said " I'm not tired . Beside you told me you have only 3 month and that wasn't enough hazza. 2 month for the recorded and 1 month for editing hazza . Can't you - " " lou lou lou . Calm down . Relax. Okay , if you want to do now , make yourself pretty princess ! " I wink at him and goes to the bedroom to take my camera .

" what should I wear ? " Louis said nervously . I laugh at him and said " oh god lou ! Are you being serious ? " my laugh stopped when I see Louis expression . '' oh right . Wear whatever you want lou . As long as you comfortable . But I do like you wearing my hoodie, you look fluffy in it ! " I said sweetly .
" alright then . Now get out ! " he said in firm voice . " it's not like I never seen you naked before ! " I smirked at him and he blushed " it was an accident , now get out ! " he push me out of the bedroom. Such a cutie pie ! I go to the backyard and put a chair in the middle for Louis to sit . Then I switch on the spotlight and the spotlight perfectly pointed at the chair .

Then I set the camera , not to close from Louis and not to far either . Louis come out with a white hoodie and I smiled at his cuteness . " go sit down there love . " I said , gesturing the chair . He shyly sat on it and looked around . " I've never been in this backyard at night . " he said suddenly . " yea me too. alright . You ready ? " I asked him while trying to adjust the camera .

" yea. But what's it about ? " Louis asked confusedly! I click the record and " oh ya. I forgot to tell you . Niall told me that, once I done choosing my important person in my life the topic will be changed. Wait , can you try to talk ?" " I asked Louis and he said " what talk ? What the topic ? " then I hit the stop button and replay the video . Its sound perfectly .

My Hazza (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now