Seth manages to catch

"Hey.... look at me... He caressed her cheek it's okay... right now your only concern is that trial tomorrow"

"Thanks Seth..."she sighed

The next morning 9.20am it was now Nicoles turn on the stand

Miss colase tell us about your relationship with the defendant first everything was perfect I believed I had found my soulmate in John 

And you left your home to start new with John correct

"Yes I was having some family issues and I believed I needed to get out for a while I called John he asked me to come move in with him in Tampa at first I wasn't so sure because of school
John then managed to connect me to a high school tampa and so I moved to tampa to finish my school year" Nicole admits

So you were a still on high school


Did you not think about John's alcoholism

"No... because from the moment I met him he hadn't drank once but I did ask him if he was okay with having a glass on boxing day 2008 he was like I promise you you have nothing to worry about if you were to pour down a bottle though u may smash it and cut your wrist with it,.... haha kidding.... but I would soon learn months later that he indeed meant every word instead of the bottle he used a kitchen knife..." Nicole paused

Nicole do you remember the first time you knew John's drinking went out of control

A week before we discussed the next stage of our relationship I remember he came back one night pissed he came in to my room at 3 in the morning because he had 6 bedrooms  he let me have my own room to make sure I was comfortable but this time he came in and then fell on top of me he was completely out cold that night but again I felt he was a college boy he wanted to drink and have fun I didn't want to be the party pooper for him but I did warn him the next morning if he came home like that again I would poor away his liquor

"Why did you stay after that first night at A&E" Watson questioned

"Because I loved him I was a lovey dovey  student .... and believed I couldn't go home"

"Now the night this started what do you remember about that night" Lisa asked her instead of Watson

.... looks at seth he smiled "you can do this" he mouthed

That morning John went to 'college' and I had a free day to myself I then got a strange phone call from a guy called Thomas saying that a guy was coming buy with the stuff... I believed John was now secretly buying alcohol with a fake ID when he came back at lunchtime he snapped at me for answering the phone he told me if I answered it again I'd be spending a night at A&E I was scared.... then he apologised and said he had got these pills to help him with his addiction he said I want to get better for you! He then ran me a bath to make up for it with candles also"

How come you never mentioned this in your statement Mr cena

Continue Nicole

He then went out he came back around 7 that evening I had made us dinner and for the first time ever since new years I smelt no alcohol on his breath.
He then got us a couple of cold j2os and that is all I remember from that night on... There is only one thing I remember me saying clearly Nicole sniffed "no john"... I woke up the next morning in the most traumatic pain I had ever felt John was gone I struggled to get out of bed it Was 10.45 in the morning I finally managed to get myself of the bed I looked down and the bed was dripping of my blood i was bleeding from my female organ... and I had finished my cycle 2 weeks before that.... how the hell does that happen..." (don't let him break you) I will not let him make out I'm a liar to the point where I got pregnant...and you know what if I had acted sooner maybe I would still be pregnant with my baby today.... that's my biggest regret!" Nicole revealed

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