Be Mine Forever

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This conversation was not going to be easy for me at all. I want Prince to know that I still loved him and how much I missed him. He meant the world to me and I also wanted to see where his head was at.

"So I saw that you have a movie coming out next month. I'm excited for you." I said.

"Yeah I think Under The Cherry Moon is going to do great. How's everything with you?" He asked.

"It's going alright I guess."

"You guess? What's going on?"

I looked at him for a few moments and gathered my thoughts. Might as well woman up and tell him how I felt.

"Prince I want to talk about what happened between us. I hope you know how sorry I am. I know it was two years ago but it wasn't my intention to hurt you. I have dated and had a serious relationship but the guys I have been with don't compare to you. I miss you. I miss us. I want to be with you again. If you aren't ok with that, I am fine with being just friends." I answered tearing up.

It felt so good getting the feelings that I have been holding in for two years off of my chest. Waiting for Prince's response was as nerve racking as waiting for the results of a paternity test. After a minute, Prince finally spoke.

"I honestly don't know what to say. Cass what you did was very hurtful. It was something that shouldn't have been done. After we broke up, I met someone and we became a couple right away. We dated for a while but things didn't work out. I do regret breaking up with you over that and not just talk about it. I know you didn't mean to do those things and I hope you learned your lesson. I miss you too and I want us to get back together. What do you say?"

I didn't respond. I just pulled his face towards mine and gave him a kiss. He was caught off guard for a second but he smiled into the kiss. We pulled away and looked at each other with our foreheads touching. I got my man back and I couldn't be happier.

The following week I met up with Rayne and Janet to discuss what happened between Prince and I. I was super excited to tell them the good news.

"So how was the conversation between you and Prince?" Rayne asked.

"It was good actually. I spilled out my heart to him and he told me how he felt and that he regrets ending things between us. Long story short we are back together." I replied.

"THAT'S AWESOME! I knew you guys would get back together!" Rayne exclaimed.

"I knew you guys couldn't stay apart from each other. You guys are meant for each other." Janet said.

"So when's the wedding?" Rayne wondered.

"Rayne we just got back together. There won't be a wedding anytime soon." I giggled.

I couldn't even think about a wedding right now. I do see myself marrying him one day but with all of the success that he was having, I couldn't help but think that he wouldn't be ready to settle down.

~4 months later~

Prince and I's anniversary was coming up and Prince told me that he had something special planned for me but he wouldn't tell me anything. I was feeling a little suspicious so I called Rayne to tell her what was going on and if I should be concerned.

"Hello?" Sean answered.

"Hey Sean is Rayne home?" I asked.

"No she went to go hang out with Prince but I can tell her that you called."

"Oh ok thanks."

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh. I was wondering why she and Prince were hanging out. Especially without me. I decided to not be too concerned and just sit on the couch and watch TV. An hour later there was a knock on the door and I went to answer.

Wouldn't You Love To Love Me? A Prince Rogers Nelson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now