Valentine's Day and Some Big News

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~February 1983~

Valentine's Day is today and I'm spending it alone. Rayne is going to New York with Micah so I have the apartment to myself. I was sad that Prince wasn't here to celebrate it with me, but he was coming home in a few weeks and I can't wait to see him. Since I was spending it alone, I decided that I would at least get myself some snacks and things and just have a movie marathon. I ran to the store and grabbed popcorn, gummy bears, chips, stuff to make spicy chicken alfredo, a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates. I paid for my items and headed home.

After I put the groceries away, I changed into my pjs and just relaxed and dozed off. I was awoken two hours later by a knock on the door. I opened the door and was met with a girl who looked like she was 18 who worked for the flower shop down the street.

"Are you Cassia Stephens?" She asked.

"Yes I am." I replied.

"Oh I have flowers and stuff for you so sign here please." She said handing me her clipboard.

I signed my name on the form and gave it back to her. She sat her clipboard down and handed me a vase of blood red roses. When I sat the first vase down, she handed me two more vases, a teddy bear and a card. I thanked the girl and closed the door. I sat down on the couch holding the bear and opened the card and read the sweet note inside.

My beautiful Cassia,

Eye hope you love the roses and the bear Eye got u.

Don't worry, Eye will b back in your arms soon.

Happy Valentine's Day babe and Eye love u.


I closed the card and placed it and the bear on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to get dinner started. I poured myself a glass of wine and began cooking the chicken and pasta. After all that was done, I combined the pasta with the chicken and added broccoli and hot sauce and blended everything together. I fixed myself a plate and grabbed myself some garlic bread and sat on the couch. I polished off my dinner and took my plate and dropped it off in the sink. As I was putting leftovers away, the phone rang. I stopped what I was doing and went to answer.

"Hello this is Cassia."

"Hey beautiful." Prince said.

"Hi babe thank you for the roses and the bear. I love them." I said leaning against the wall.

"You're very welcome. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you too. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I have to go get ready for tonight's show but I just wanted to call you and make sure that you got my present. I love you and happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day and I love you too." I said before hanging up.

After hanging up with Prince, I finished putting the leftovers away and washed the dishes. Once those things were done, I grabbed my bottle of wine and my bag of gummy worms and sat down and watched the sappy romance movie that was on TV. A few hours later the movie ended and I decided to call it a night. I turned off the TV and made my way towards the bedroom. I couldn't help but think about what Prince and I would be doing today if he was here. We would have probably went to dinner then go dancing then end the night with an amazing session in the bedroom. As I laid down in bed, I imagined Prince was on top of me. Kissing his way down my body until he was in between my legs.

I could feel him open my legs and I could feel his tongue licking up and down my slit and I felt myself getting wetter. I needed to release but I was getting tired of using my fingers. I looked at my bedside table drawer where the vibrator I got for my birthday was in and I opened up the door and pulled out the vibrator and turned it on. As the device buzzed, I looked at it for a second then trailed it down my body. If Prince wasn't here to satisfy my needs, then I would have to take care of it myself. I took the vibrator and cranked it to the highest it would go and pressed it on my clit. When I felt my orgasm coming, I took the vibrator and thrusted it deep inside my pussy. I imagined that Prince was inside me, fucking me nice and hard while he whispered in my ear begging me to cum. I felt my legs shake and I couldn't hold back anymore.


I let my orgasm take over my body as I felt my body leave the bed for a second. Once I calmed myself down, I realized that I was sweaty and my bed sheets were soaked. I showered and changed my bed sheets and drifted off to sleep. I should probably thank Rayne for getting me a vibrator for my birthday. The following day I lounged around the apartment for a bit before heading off to dance class. Today we were finding out who would get to fly to Europe to be a part of a major dance production for a week. After class ended, I was pulled off to the side by my dance teacher.

"What's up Ella?" I asked.

"Well as you know we were looking for people to go to Europe to be a part of a production for a week and you are one of them! Congrats!" She replied.

"Oh my god thank you so much! I'm honored." I smiled.

"You're welcome. You leave in two weeks and will be flying to Paris." She explained.

"But my boyfriend is coming home in two weeks. I can't leave him so soon." I sighed.

"Well you have to make a decision. Let me know Thursday." Ella said turning around to leave.

I hopped in my car and drove home. I don't know what I'm going to do but I needed to make a decision and fast.

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