A Broken Bra and Bridal Shower

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I woke up from my nap an hour later and went to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. A few moments later, Rayne joined me and I knew that she wanted more details about last night. Plus I was nervous about telling her about what happened to her bra that she let me borrow.

"I want details. What happened between you two last night? I want to know everything." Rayne said.

"I apologized to Prince for how I acted and for not telling him about Paris and he apologized for yelling then walking out on me. We pretended that we never broke up and we ended going back to his place." I explained.

"And then what happened?"

"Well when we got back to his place, he turned into someone else. He brought out the blindfold and handcuffs. It was amazing actually." I smiled.

"Sounds intense. Hey whatever happened to the bra that I let you borrow? Did you leave it at Prince's house or is it in your purse?"

I was about to answer her question when there was a knock on the door. I answered the door and there was Prince holding a bag in his hand.

"Hey babe what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I told you that I would buy you a new bra so I got you one." He replied handing me the bag and stepping inside.

"Thank you but it didn't belong to me. It belonged to Rayne." I explained.

"Prince what the hell did you do to my bra?" Rayne glared at him.

"I cut it off of Cassia." He replied.


"I didn't know he was going to do that Rayne! Plus I was in handcuffs." I sighed.

I handed Rayne the bag and Prince and I watched her storm off towards her room.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" Prince yelled.

"OH SHUT UP KEEBLER ELF! CASS YOU ARE NEVER BORROWING MY STUFF AGAIN!" Rayne shouted before slamming the door.

Prince and I looked at each other and started to laugh. Rayne was something else, but I loved her to death.

A few hours later Prince left to go to film a few more scenes for his movie that was coming out later on next year and I just relaxed the rest of the day. Rayne came out of her room and sat next to me and she looked calm after she found out what happened to her bra.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to your bra Rayne." I apologized.

"That oompa loompa shouldn't have cut my bra off of you but at least he got me a new one." She said rolling her eyes.

"Rayne be nice to Prince."

"I am being nice to him Cassia!"

"You called him a Keebler Elf and an oompa loompa Rayne. That's not being nice."


We sat down and gone over plans for tomorrow. It was Janet's bridal shower and we had to make sure that everything went well according to plan. After that we got dressed and headed out to meet Janet for the final fitting of our bridesmaid dresses.

We arrived at the bridal shop a few minutes later and headed inside to meet with Janet who was already there.

"Hi Janet! You look gorgeous!" I said hugging her.

"Thanks you guys look great." Janet beamed.

We sat on the couch and talked for a bit while we waited for our dresses. The wedding was in a few days and everyone was going to be there, even Prince. The fitting went super well and Rayne and I went to grab a few last minute items for the party tomorrow. The next day Rayne and I woke up an hour early to get ready and head out to Michelle's house where the party was being held.

"Rayne are you sure I'm not overdressed?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror.

"Rayne are you sure I'm not overdressed?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror

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"Cass you look fine now let's go." She reassured me.

A short time later we arrived at Michelle's house with the rest of the stuff that we got. Janet left the planning to Rayne and me, but Michelle offered to help out and host the party.

"Wow Michelle everything looks great. I love how you set up the cake area and stuff." I said putting down the cupcakes I made the night before.

"Thank you and thanks for bringing the cupcakes and the rest of the decorations." Michelle smiled.

I sat down the cupcakes next to the cake and started to put up the rest of the decorations which were burgundy and cream, which are Janet and Evan's wedding colors. A few hours later the other guests arrived which consisted of Janet's cousins, her sisters Kim and Tara and her mom. Janet arrived a few minutes later and was surprised that the party turned out really well.

"May I have everyone's attention please?" Janet asked clinking her fork against her glass. Everyone quieted down and focused on her.

"First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for coming out and celebrating what is to be one of the happiest days of my life. I also want to thank Rayne and Cassia for putting this party together and Michelle for hosting it at her house. I love you guys so much and I don't know where I would be without you so cheers." She said raising her glass.

After the party ended we hugged everyone goodbye and headed home. Janet is the first out of our group of friends to get married and I wanted that for myself one day.

"So after Janet and Evan get married who do you think will be next?" I asked as I sat on the couch.

"Hmm...I think either Michelle and Eddie or you and Prince." She answered.

"Me and Prince?! Yeah right. We have only been dating for a few months." I stated.

"Yeah but you guys have known each other your whole lives. Totally meant to be together."

"Well I mean if he proposed one day then I would say yes. If anything, you and Micah have been dating for almost two years. Maybe you guys are next."

"I don't know Cass. Micah and I are having issues as of late. I don't even know if we will make it pass the wedding." Rayne sighed.

"Why what's going on with you guys?" I asked.

"Can we talk about this some other time? I'm really tired and I just want to go lay down."

I gave her a hug and watched her walk towards her room. My heart was breaking for her and I didn't know what was going on between her and Micah. I hope that whatever is going on between them, I hope they are able to work it out.

In the spirit of Christmas, you guys are getting four chapters this week and I have some amazing news. Since a lot of you have requested it, there will be a sequel to this story! Look forward to chapter 19 to be released tomorrow! XOXO, Kristan

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