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Hi guys so if you know me well enough, I'm really bad at continuing stories but I'm going to try really hard to keep with this one because I'm super excited about it!! Enjoy!👏🏻👍🏻😁

So I'm going to go over all of the characters so you aren't lost!
So Sami is more of the chill quiet kind at school but not at home. She is 12 right now and has a few siblings. The oldest sibling is named Jamie and she is 15 years old. She has three younger siblings that are triplets. Two are girls, one is a boy. The first triplet is named Bridget, the second girl is Britney. The boy is Boston and they are all six. Enough about them though, this is about Sami.

lily is the kid that every elementary school has. She is loud, thinks that everything is hilarious, thinks that she is awesome and her roasts are so good, and never does her work. She is an only  child and lives with her grandparents but no body quite knows why. She can be really annoying and only hangs out with people of "her kind" if you know what I mean.

Of course we can't forget about the kid who always has cool things, and thinks that all of the cheesy school crap is the best thing ever! Well I pretty much just described her so that's all. No just kidding, back to normal. She loves school from the tests to the stupid puns that they make to "encourage" kids to keep reading. She always has all of the cool little gadgets that
she always brings to school to show off to all of her other nerd friends.

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