❄ Holly Jolly ❄

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Last year she met a boy with snow white hair and bark-brown eyes. His jaw was strong, but his face was gentle. He was dressed in red with white trimming, and he pulled presents out of a giant red bag. That's right, last year on Christmas Eve Daisy met Santa Claus, well Nick. He had left her the most beautiful necklace for Christmas. That year she hadn't known what to ask for, so she asked Santa to bring her anything, and he did well. Daisy wore it every day. Now, she laid on the couch staring at the snowflake charm from her necklace and thought about the boy that would be coming down her chimney any minute now. She wasn't going to greet him with a chocolate gun this time though. Daisy's eyes were slowly closing when she heard the sound of boots hitting the ground. She woke up quickly. "Nick!" She called.

Only to hear, "Holly Jolly, you scared me." But then, he came out from the chimney, and Daisy smiled. It wasn't a dream.

"You're real," she whispered.

"Of course I am. Daisy, I thought we covered this last year," he chuckled coming closer to her. "How was your year?"

"It was good," she told him, thinking over the year from hell she experienced.

"Why is your voice not matching your words?" Nick asked, coming closer to see into her eyes. "Daisy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy there are only six days left in this year," she smiled, not wanting to spoil their short time together. "Where have you gone so far?"

Nick seemed reluctant to change the subject as quickly as she wanted but eventually obliged. "America is my last stop, so I've been just about everywhere."

Daisy wished she could have adventures such as that.

"Daisy, does your wish have anything to do with your year?" Nick asked.

"You heard that, huh," she asked looking down at her fingers, feeling his eyes on her.

Nick took off his hat and sat beside her. "It was the only gift I couldn't wrap this year, so would you like to come on an escape with me?" He asked. Daisy looked at his outstretched hand. He wanted to take me with him. If only for the night that would be perfect.

So without a further thought, Daisy slipped her hand into his, and Nick pulled her off the couch with him. "Where are we going?"

Nick turned to her and smiled, "I'm taking you all around America, come on." Daisy watched as he went to the chimney and froze.

"How am I going to get up there? Can't we just use the door, Nick?" Daisy asked suddenly nervous.

"Do you trust me?" Nick replied, lifting his thick brown brow. Daisy simply nodded. She did trust, Nick. She trusted him with her sanity. "Then up we go," before they moved, Nick grasped her hand firmly. "Don't let go. I've kind of never done this with a human before," he admitted, a guilty look plastered across his face, but before she could respond they were being squeezed through the chimney and set on the snow top roof.

"Oh my head," Daisy said, feeling a little dizzy from the sudden rush.

Nick came over, holding her face between his white-gloved hands. "Sorry, I didn't know what would happen. Just that you would be okay. Come on, you look cold," Nick added, guiding her past eight giant reindeer.

"Wow," Daisy whispered in amazement to the sight. There they stand antlers and all. "Do they fly?"

"Of course. I wouldn't take them out unless they could. Only the calves stay home when they mature they'll be able to fly. Now, to warmth," he stated ushering her into a sleigh. It's really just like on the classic Christmas cards.

"Nick I told you I believe and I do, but this is a lot to take in,"Daisy confessed, as he helped her into the sleigh.

"I get that, but I want to fulfill your Christmas wish and this is the only way I know how, so hold on tight," he exclaimed, pulling on the reins, and suddenly the sleigh lurched forward. Daisy clutched Nick's arm tightly as the sleigh seemed to go faster.

"We are going to fall off the roof!" Daisy yelled, fear in her voice, and she hides her eyes behind Nick's back. She could hear his laugh.

"Daisy look," he tired, and after a few minutes, she noticed they were still alive. She lifted her head, and couldn't believe the sight around her. The city was so small, lights shined from various windows, and Christmas lights. She could make out downtown with the large skyscrapers. The snow began to fall again, but none touched them. That's when she realized there was no wind hitting them either, but the reindeer were obviously going fast, but she was in fact warm.

"Why are we warm?" She asked, looking to Nick for the answers.

"Magic. The spirit of Christmas is the understanding that anything can happen if you just believe. The sleigh operates on people's belief in Christmas," he smiled, gazing down at the downtown lights. She smiled to herself, content with snuggling into Nick's side and enjoying the magical ride.

They would stop at a house Nick would ask for certain packages, and Daisy would hand them to him. He would leave down the chimney, and come back up moments later, ready for the next. They did this until the first sparkle of the day shot clear across the sky.

"Daisy," Nick said, breaking the comfortable silence that settled between them.

"Mmm," she replied, snuggling into his chest, trying desperately to keep her eyes open, but the smell of peppermint and gingerbread was cradling her to sleep.

"We need to get you home," he told her, and Daisy could hear the sadness in his voice before she knew it, they were landing on her rooftop. "Daisy, come on. Let's get you home."

Daisy frowned. "I don't want to leave," she whispered, but together they climbed out of the warm sleigh, and went down the chimney. Nick placed her siblings presents under the tree, before turning to her.

"Till next year, Daisy," Nick smiled, but she could see the sadness in his smile. Then, he leaned over to her, and gently placed a kiss on her cheek. Daisy could feel her cheeks radiating with heat.

He was just about to leave when she came to her sense. "Wait," she called, grabbing the small bag next to the couch. She turned and handed it to him. "Merry Christmas, Nick. Thank you for the unforgettable gift," she added, quickly kissing his check. When he went towards the chimney she could have sworn Daisy saw a slight bit of red on his neck. "Till next year," she whispered, watching him go.

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